We are closing this forum
In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here: https://discord.com/servers/tml-studios-224563159631921152
Meine erster Upload eines Repaints.
Zum Installieren:
1. Gehe in das Hauptverzeichnis des Fernbus Simulator. Meistens ist es hier zu finden: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fernbus Simulator\
2. Gehe weiter in : /Fernbus/Content/Vehicles/MAN_LionsCoach/repaints
3. Verschiebe/Kopiere nun den ENTPACKTEN Ordner in das Verzeichnis oben
4. Nun müsste eine neue MAN Lions Coach Lackierung zu sehen sein, die den Namen "Mama Taxi" trägt.
Version 1.0.0
- Markolonier
- 845.13 kB
unter Content gibt es keinen Verhicels Ordner. Zumindest nicht bei mir