Hi all,
We’ve just released another beta version with fixes found in yesterday’s version.
Get the changes here: Fernbus Coach Simulator: Changelogs
We’d love your feedback!
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In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here: https://discord.com/servers/tml-studios-224563159631921152
Hi all,
We’ve just released another beta version with fixes found in yesterday’s version.
Get the changes here: Fernbus Coach Simulator: Changelogs
We’d love your feedback!
@Numetix Il semble que vous avez très faible FPS. Vous pouvez désactiver la tête basculant dans les paramètres du jeu.
Je n'ai pas eu cela avant la bêta 1.15
Je n'ai pas eu cela avant la bêta 1.15
C'est normal, le basculement de la tête est une fonction qui vient d'être ajoutée il me semble. Il faut aller dans le menu des options, si tu ne trouves pas, tu m'envoies un message privé, là je ne suis pas chez moi donc je ne connais plus le libelllé exact de la commande.
English approximative translation :
A new head balancing movement was added in the new 1.15 beta. Go to options in order to deactivate this. I'm not at home so that I cannot check how this is spelled, you can ask me in private conversation.
Switches light/transmission on mouse does not always work very well.
Neo Pullan's first person view of FPS is very poor!!!! MAN's FPS is very stable
sorry to say guys,but you dont fix the
loud noise sound when you press the restroom clearance button on.
C'est normal, le basculement de la tête est une fonction qui vient d'être ajoutée il me semble. Il faut aller dans le menu des options, si tu ne trouves pas, tu m'envoies un message privé, là je ne suis pas chez moi donc je ne connais plus le libelllé exact de la commande.
English approximative translation :
A new head balancing movement was added in the new 1.15 beta. Go to options in order to deactivate this. I'm not at home so that I cannot check how this is spelled, you can ask me in private conversation.
Merci de m'avoir un peu plus indiqué sur ce basculement de tête, et non, je ne trouve pas l'endroit pour y désactiver
At the beginning of the game everything is ok, but after a while the image gets worse.
I made several trips; [Augsburg - Rostock in Sellin - Sellin in Berlin - Berlin Potsdam]..
First, I would like to make a comment on an AI bug in Augsburg (pictures 1).
By going to the depot of Rostock, the bus has lost its dashboard! (pictures 2).
Once arrived near Sellin (beautiful city bravo), the dashboard becomes blurry (I did not touch any parameters during the trip) (pictures 3).
AI bug in the direction of Berlin in Sellin (pictures 4).
In Berlin, the barriers become invisible when I approach her to get to the bus station !! (pictures 5).
Also, I barely had a collision with a barrier as the bus became totally uncontrollable and I found myself on the other lane (pictures 6).
Here, I shared the bugs that I met on my part of the game.
Hey Guys,
First and foremost, you have a great simulator on your hands. I get lost in play multiple times and looking forward to seeing the development and how far you guys go with this. I would like to mention, upon upgrading to the beta build today, I notice anytime I turn on the electronics in the bus (pressing E), the game slows down to 1FPS. I know its the electronics because when I turn them off, the game goes back to normal.
Alles kaput! It is a pity that hacked the game
That town sign grew a bit too big.
stralsund_sign.jpg stralsund_map.png
Alles kaput! It is a pity that hacked the game
I saw this morning pfffff :(:( you have to support the little studio
Al bug (images 1 + 2)
Plusieurs photos de la végétation bug sur Hanovre et ses environs...
I saw this morning pfffff :(:( you have to support the little studio
Are you talking about the 1FPS bug?
At begining (tested free mode), Halle doesn't have AI traffic.
thanks !
ride on frankfurt airport gps does not work drive from sellin