BETA Update 1.15.15354 - Feedback & Bugs

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    • Official Post

    Good update. Thanks for this.
    I noticed problem, when AI cars to cut off me many times and spoiled my statistic.

    Switches light/transmission on mouse does not always work very well.

    Hi @AllMore
    The AI still is a big point on our improvementlist, some behavior you may consider as being a bug and may actually is a bug, is not that far from being realistic, and you would maybe flip that driver the bird in reality. Nonetheless, there will be further improvements.

    Could you please give me some details on the light/transmission switch doesnt always work very well. Which situation it doesnt work?, while driving, while stationary etc.



    Thank you, will have a look at the reported issues.

    Hey Guys,

    First and foremost, you have a great simulator on your hands. I get lost in play multiple times and looking forward to seeing the development and how far you guys go with this. I would like to mention, upon upgrading to the beta build today, I notice anytime I turn on the electronics in the bus (pressing E), the game slows down to 1FPS. I know its the electronics because when I turn them off, the game goes back to normal.


    did you try to get back on the public/normal build to see if that FPS-drops still happen?
    If you still encounter that problem, please create a support ticket, so we can try to help you out there.


    Alles kaput! It is a pity that hacked the game ;(

    What exactly you mean? Some more details really would help to help you.

    Hi ,

    little road bug near Mülheim/Ruhr.
    Have a grat day !

    @Roslav If you allways encounter your blury texture issue with bad graphics, try to play within Steam offline mode.

    @Yannick [FR] Thanks, will have a look at it.

    That town sign grew a bit too big.

    @Routeres Thanks!


    Al bug (images 1 + 2)
    Plusieurs photos de la végétation bug sur Hanovre et ses environs...

    @Numetix Thank you, we´ll fix that.

    • Official Post

    Quick update to the current progress: We're still working on some performance issues, as well as the bugs you've all listed up (thanks for that!). We probably won't be able to release a final version this week - But as soon as we have a new beta ready for testing, we'll hit you up immediately.

    Thanks a lot for your help and the ton of feedback! Keep it coming. :)


  • HI everyone !
    I found trees in Freiburg, street to Stadium.
    Have a great day.
    I have a suggestion, as some people encounter some FPs problems with the beta, and other have a gain of FPs, after publishing the official 1.15 update, you should perhaps have an option in steam properties which may revert to 1.14 version (just in case if users have a big problem). I don't know if I use the good english words ; I mean right click on steam properties in Fernbus : instead of beta, 1.15 final, an old 1.14 version.

    Thanks !

  • @Yannick [FR] That option is already there as far as I know. It is called "previous version".

  • Reporting Bugs:

    Hi! It's me again and i have a lot of bugs to report now, since the game was update 2 times i could gather some of the bugs that are still persisting in the game, so for the details:

    - We can't press the buttons while driving (bus moving), it also includes the gear itself.

    - Are you sure the tires are spinning? Because in some parts of the road it seems the tires of the other cars aren't moving at all...

    - Dynamic Weather: Make a Tweak in the Dynamic weather, i mean 99% of the time it consists in Sunny, cloudy and pretty much it... It's very rare to finding raining or snowing (never see snowing using Dynamic weather anyway) Also the duration of the raining is 5 minutes in game, which means 20 seconds in real life, it's very silly to do like that, so i suggest to increase the chances to rain and snowing and make it like 1 or 2 hours in-game (30 or 45 minutes in real life)

    - Travel Time restart to 0 after 23h: While choosing the route if the time is above 23hours, for some reason it restart to 0, come on guys this is not a clock, this is time time of the travel which should mark any number above 23 hours, because in the original it occurs the same thing (The version that's not the beta). For example: I want to make a route that is gonna take 28 hours to finish, but like i said before, bebcause of this problem, it's gonna show to me 4 hours, which is not true.

    - You can open every luggage compartments inside of the bus: I mean literally!

    - Luggage compartments just in one side of the bus? Why to put the other luggages compartments in the other side since the player never gonna use them at all?

    - The buttons work even with the engine turned off: You can open doors with the engine off, seems like real life? :D

    - Problem with rain: Covered places rains more and places without cover rains less, yeah this doesn't make any sense, but if you set the weather to rain you can see clearly that is something wrong with places that has a ceiling.

    - Really, you can run backwards? Seeing my own shadow in the first perspective, yeah i can do that apparently...

    - Kiel Busbahnhof is normal when we put the bus in the maintenance area and it says that its off-road?

    - When passengers are leaving the bus with the baggage, sometimes there's no animation of walking.

    - Sometimes trucks go to the left for some reason after stopping on the traffic lights: It's pretty wierd this one, but it occurs :)

    - Improve the Break Times, for now we can take a break everywhere, make it to take a break only in certain spots like on the bus stop, the gas station or in the P, on the map.

    Now for the images:

    - The "invisible" armchairs (still not solid) are still eating the passengers like on the images below (At least in the MAN Lions Coach C and the Neoplan Skyliner) :)

    [Blocked Image:][Blocked Image:]

    - The P (Break time) is still broken, since the last report that i did (3 updates ago), just fix this already...

    [Blocked Image:]

    - Put some invisible walls next to the bus stop on Sellin and next to other places as well, to prevent players to go outside of the map, because sometimes it can happen like that :)

    [Blocked Image:][Blocked Image:][Blocked Image:][Blocked Image:]

    - Why do we need to know if the time of the travel is in minutes, appear 0hrs as well? You can remove the 0 hours and leave just the time in minutes, in this case of course.

    [Blocked Image:]

    - And finally improve the water in the glass while raining, try to add a little more water effects in the glass to be impossible to see forward, because right now it's very possible to drive using no windshields.

    [Blocked Image:]

    That's it for now, i will wait for the next update to bring more reports like this, thank you!

  • Thank you very much, we noticed your report, but we can't reproduce this bug, thus we can't fix it.
    Please send us a video of this bug, maybe this could help us to reproduce the bug. You can record a video using nVidia Shadowplay. Here's a video link on how to use Shadowplay: 2017 SHADOWPLAY TUTORIAL (HOW TO RECORD)
    Nevertheless, you're very welcome and we appreciate your effort reporting various bugs in the current Beta version of the update. Just try to help us a little bit more with more and detailed information.

    Cheers and best regards,

  • *OCB* Shu | Pexie and to everybody else testing our Betas

    Thanks for this detailed report. We know there are some issues which a number of you guys have reported a couple of updates ago. The thing is, we just a couple of guys and we can only focus on some issues for each update. We put all your bugs in a backlog and put them in a task list for a certain update. This way we can make sure that the bug gets full attention and the time necessary to test the fix.

    So, we can't guarantee that you reported bug will be fixed in the current update, but they will probably be adressed in a certain time. We're definitely glad and grateful the majority of you guys are so patient and persistent in testing our fixes and sending us your bug reports. Without the help of guys , we wouldn't be able to continue updating the game since 14 month post release.

    Cheers and kudos to all of you,

  • hi performance problems berlin has the bus station 60 fps advent the new beta 35 fps after otherwise all the rest 60 :) the performances are much better after the update i still have pnj on the roof of the bus station berlin from time to time

  • hey mko i have a video with the toilet soundbug here is a link to the video.!1zhAHAZT!E-P…fqgec2-7D5SAVpxwv6daDHuP0 i have it done with the shadowplay and i hope you can fix this soundbug,p.s dont forget to turn your sound on.

  • Hey,

    - texture bug
    - buggy bug that crosses the cargo hold!
    - AI bug, running through the wall
    - (pictures 2),bug gps, it does not display the number of kilometers, a bug on "0m" constantly.