Very good return TML STUDIOS for further work on games for the community. Great site, I think that all of us will serve for good information, work of passion and entertainment. There will be a lot of pictures of films, information from TML STUDIOS. I hope that UndergroundBerlin Chris will often be on the forum and use beautiful simulator games . I wish that the new member would be equally kind with good knowledge and cooperated with us for the sake of games.

Forum page a new of TML STUDIOS activities
- Martin 40 Bus
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
We are closing this forum
In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here:
The upper right flaps got very good. I also liked the icons.
Although it lacks some adjustments, as mentioned updates on the site have seen over the weeks.
What is missing are news related to current games and future games. Publications have declined sharply.
With just 4 weeks left to launch the next game we do not have much information on its ecosystem. There is also a lack of information on upcoming vehicle DLCs, maps and update news.
There is also a topic to discuss which memoirs the community needs first. A voting system would be interesting.
In spite of everything I liked the look of the site and if it had a dark theme as an option it would make me even happier.
Support should work now.
thank you Chris is working, there are these two mistakes. no action BLOG and STEAM is this message look picture.
Hi guys,
Steam authentification works now. You can also connect your forum account with your Steam account. To do so, open your profile, and click on the pen symbol. The remaining steps are self explanatory.
Have fun,
Hello, I wanted to know more about TML-Studios. Anyone who has been on the forum for a long time can already know everything, but my community and I know very little about TML-Studios.
If possible, please answer a few questions, it is desirable that TML-Studios do it themselves.
1) How many people work at TML-Studios?
2) Who is your boss? Or you do not have such a person? Anarchy
3) Are you satisfied with the sales of Tourist Bus Simulator?
4) In which countries do your games buy the most?
5) Do you have girls in the team?
6) Flixbus start work in Russia, in the future it can be calculated that Russia will appear in the game Fernbus Simulator?
7) Does pressure on you when developing Aerosoft games, by timing or by game content?
How do you feel about negative reviews on Steam, do you read them?
9) Do you have plans for an unannounced game?
Thanks in advance for the answers!
Hi Maximus,
we'll gladly answer your questions for your community.
1) How many people work at TML-Studios?
We're currently about 11 people working at TML-Studios.
2) Who is your boss? Or you do not have such a person? Anarchy
Well, we do have a quite flat hierachy, but Tom is the boss and makes all the major decisions.
3) Are you satisfied with the sales of Tourist Bus Simulator?
We're quite satisfied although we can't compare it to Fernbus Simulator yet. Most important of all was the experience and know-how which came from the development of TBS and how the community gave feedback to this kind of simulation. The mix of driving and economy has proven to be a good mix for coach simulations too.
4) In which countries do your games buy the most?
Germany - obviously, as we still have a strong PC-User base which is technically affine and thus is interested in simulation games.
Followed by UK and France. Russia and China are also buying quite good.
We knew russians like simulations and we appreciate it a lot that russians like our games. Also, we wouldn't have been able to localise Fernbus Sim for the russian community without the help of two of ower community members, BoL4oNoK and legress. Same goes for MBO530 and feifeishen, which helped us to localise Fernbus Sim and Tourist Bus Sim for the chinese community. And there have been other users here from the forums too helping with localisation. So, why do I write so much about localisation? Because it has a lot of impact on sales in the countries that speak the language your offering a localisation for. I doubt our sales would be that good in Germany, if we wouldn't support German as a localisation. Although, plenty of Germans are capable of understanding English very well. And that's why we launched Tourist Bus in 11 languages at launch. Fernbus was originally launched with only German and English, and you can see the difference in sales for Tourist Bus Sim in the various regions quite obviously. So, Tourist Bus is selling kind of ok in Germany, but really good globally.
5) Do you have girls in the team?
Yes, there are 3 girls working in the graphics department and our accountant is a woman too and mother of three. All are doing a great job and it's nice to have some girls around at work, because it's a way better working atmosphere.
6) Flixbus start work in Russia, in the future it can be calculated that Russia will appear in the game Fernbus Simulator?
Well, Russia is very far away from central europe. Even in a scale of 1:10. We would love to add Russia foru sure, tough we said to ourselves that we don't want to create map expansions without connections to the existing countries in Fernbus. This may change in the future should we change our minds about this.
7) Does pressure on you when developing Aerosoft games, by timing or by game content?
How do you feel about negative reviews on Steam, do you read them?
There can be some pressure from our publisher, but the development and initial reviews of Fernbus Sim have been a reminder that quality should come first instead of hitting a certain deadline.
Of course we don't like negative reviews and we read some of them, as long the feedback is constructive and useful. Although, it's quite hard to achieve overwhelming reviews if you constantly have to compete with expectations people have from the things in real life and it's not that simple to recreate such things digitally with the number of people and the amount of budget we have. A user which buys our games doesn't know this and reviews the game by what he thinks is worth his money, which is just fair to do so. So, we respect peoples opinios nonetheless and we aim to improve our games in the future.
9) Do you have plans for an unannounced game?
Of course, we do. As developers you always have ideas about new games. Though before we haven't released The Bus, we will not say anything about them yet.
Thank you very much!
Regarding to 9: That's good so; Wouldn't it be boring if TML announced DLC's and games those releases are planned for 2024 (for example)?
In the end I learned also after a long time a lot of interesting unless you also have to say Gil that Polish players like very much buses and also buy your products, I am an example of this Julian and there are still a few Poles here.
Yannick [FR] Yes, publish, it will be interesting to everyone who plays games TML-Studios.
Yannick [FR] Yes, publish, it will be interesting to everyone who plays games TML-Studios.
thank you very much !
mk0 It have been a long time since Chris introduced us your studio in a video several years ago. And now finally a new post share us more information. Great answer Gil.
It is surprised to hear that FBS, TBS and The Bus is made by a 11 people group. But they are quite large in scale. May I ask you more: Do you plan to expand the studio?
I find that now we come to an understanding. Quality is much more important than the deadline. So you guys don't easily give us an exact time of release.
About the future product. I would like to hear about the new project. Not always, but occasionally.
I think your guys have heard that Dusseldorf expansion for The Bus would be made by Project Gladbeck team. Can you share something about the cooperation with other studio?
You're welcome!
Plans and deadlines change so often. It wouldn't make any sense to plan that far ahead. And yes, it'd be boring anyway
You do have our permission as well.
As Maximus' question actually was about in which country our sales are very good I had to take localisation into account. Russia and China are in front of Poland just due to the amount of people that live in these countries, but if you take a look at the overall population of a country and how many people buy our games in those countries it paints a whole different picture. So, Poland, the Netherlands and Austira are really strong if you look at it that way.
Yeah, our fellow developers acknowledge that as well. It ain't easy to pull off these huge worlds with such a manageable amount of people and the budgets available are the main reason why the quality may lack here and there. At the end you have to release a product before you run out of money if you want to keep your business running in the future. So, you'll have to improve on the go from title to title and eventually take the hits due to some lack of final polish.
But limitation spurs imagination, and that's why we're able to accomplish simulators with such a small team.
Well, as I said, they will be no news about unannounced projects until The Bus is released or is close to release. But as time comes we will be more than happy to finally tell you about it. As of now, only rough plans and ideas exist. But it certainly won't be a Battle Royal with busses
Thanks to AeroSoft we are in contact with the Kevin Nitschmann and yes, there are plans for DLC for The Bus and we're doing our best to make it possible for other developers to create content for The Bus too.
I place errors in Beta, eg bus painting loading and others, I hope you read all of this Gil.
It's very nice that you answer something more to the community, I'm glad that the new game THE BUS is a chance for new DLC maps cooperation with Kevin and Aerosoft and also with Niklas PeDePE
I would like to say that, considering the interesting ideas of the community, your products are becoming very attractive on the bus market.
In the further list of works is my idea which also pleases the players namely, clutch and manual gearbox for buses
,everything that you do, I am very happy, I have good ideas for TML STUDIOS and players , for creating new MAPs for Fernbus new countries and new terrain for Tourist bus simulator. The point is that your maps are the best and better if you do them because it seems to me that Kevin Nitschmann - based on OMSI 2 map programming and this may be a problem for him unless you help him, in any case, new maps for Fernbus are very much expected by players as well as tools. Create new countries to spend while enjoying players and earn, Fernbus can become a great game, so take this into account Gil, You can do state, Poland, Ukraine, the Netherlands and much more, thank you greetings mk0 I hope that the new game THE BUS will be the same languages as for Fernbus, Tourist bus simulator
Thanks to AeroSoft we are in contact with the Kevin Nitschmann and yes, there are plans for DLC for The Bus and we're doing our best to make it possible for other developers to create content for The Bus too.
mk0 So I have an idea - I suppose you do think so - that is to make The Bus as a platform. A platform that enables third-party developers to create their content, both freeware and payware are availabled.
There are so many great content creators worth to cooperate with. They really make simulation world better. Nick makes a wonderful C2 model; 3DM's Solaris and MAN are great in mechanic simulation; Kelvin's Ruhrgebit make me fascinating to one of the greatest industrial urban groups and transport networks in the world. Also Pedro Vendeira, Darius, Alterr...
And that means you need to prepare it for the future. And these are some of my wish. Make it compatible with different countries' traffic rule, LHD RHD supported, engine and gearbox modification, different motor supported (fuel, LNG, CNG, Hybrid, trolly, EV, fuel cell), and even make it compatible with rail traffic if it need (try to think a WOS DLC, buses and trams run in a same multiplayer server, that's so cool.)
Ahhh your idea must be much more impressive than mine.
Hi, I have spoken about my community many times, but I have never shown it. Today I decided to tell and show it in more detail. The community was created on September 17, 2018 in the social network, it is the most popular network in Russia, now there are 135 subscribers in the community. It is mainly aimed at familiarizing players with the news on the games Fernbus Simulator, Tourist Bus Simulator, The BUS. But just as anyone can ask a question about the game or share their screenshots or video. In the comments, players discuss the news or offer their ideas on how to improve the games, but there is also criticism. Sometimes there is a section about announcements of other games that may be interesting to subscribers, for example, Alaskan Truck Simulator, Trans-Siberian Railway Simulator, Bus Driving 2019 and others. For all the time, our community was visited by more than 4,000 people, the screenshot shows that, for example, in December, 946 people came to us, our questions for TML-Studios have already been read by 423 people, this is also seen in the screenshot, you can also see what age is most interested in games tml studios. In the first place men from 30 to 35 years old, second place from 35 to 45 years old, third from 27 to 30, there are also many people of other ages, even there are not many women 9%. Post where you can download ReShade watched 2800 people, downloaded more than 60 people. As a result, TML-Studios games are interesting to players in Russia, they are very pleased with the updates of the Fernbus Simulator and the Tourist Bus Simulator released, as well as waiting for news on The BUS. On behalf of our community, I wish the creative success of TML-Studios.
I must say that every country should have a representative like you Maximus , Russia is a big country bigger than Poland, so your forum has so many users, I like everything you described. I can offer you a translator so that Russians can write English or German here, try to google. Discussions about games showing pictures, discussions about controllers are important. Paintings, give your colleague that there is a TML STUDIOS forum hat it is worth being here as well. All this adds to our community of bus fans, you can also show pictures of movies from you here and interesting discussions. Thank you for supporting bus games like me
what is interesting is the age of your group and women, but this translates to and our country is Poland for 25 years. You need to have knowledge about real life . I have described many times the work of TML STUDIOS are known as eg manual transmission clutch ect, maybe a new area also for Tourist bus simulator, I know that Italian players want Italian languache for Tourist bus simulator , this has been confirmed by TML STUDIOS.
Greetings Russian your community, I wish you a pleasant ride and joy with TML STUDIOS , We are all passionate about buses, players and creators Maximus