Thank you very much Martin 40 Bus, Subscribers know about the TML-Studios forum, as I always say where I get information from, thanks for the suggestions!

Forum page a new of TML STUDIOS activities
- Martin 40 Bus
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
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In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here:
Hi dear TML-Studios. Your answers to the past questions caused a great interest among the players in the Russian community, they were read by more than three thousand people (3,5k). It would be great if you take the time to answer a few more questions.
1. You said that you are avid players and like games just like us, and which games like to play TML-Studios?
2. Soon there will be an E3 exhibition (Electronic Entertainment Expo), there will be a lot of news from the world of games, would you like to hold your conference for players, where you could show, for example, The BUS and France DLS or something like that which no one has seen, for example Italy, MAN Lion's Intercity?
3. Addition France is considered the latest in the Fernbus Simulator roadmap. Will there be a new roadmap with new plans for the Fernbus Simulator in the near future? This question worries a lot.
4. Acute question, but I still try to ask. On Steam from players around the world, there are a lot of complaints about poor performance in Fernbus Simulator games and Tourist Bus Simulator, most negative feedback due to low FPS, will steps be taken to improve optimization in games? I was scolded a lot for not asking this question last time.
5. We now know that not many people work at TML-Studios, do you have plans to expand and become more?
6. You said that you have no plans for a new island in the Tourist Bus Simulator, but in the future there is a hope that we all the players will see it?
7. Tourist Bus Simulator is an excellent economic company, is there a possibility that this will happen in the Fernbus Simulator?
8. Everyone is very much waiting for The BUS game, is it possible to release this year?
Thank you in advance for the answers, these questions concern all your dedicated players. I apologize if I asked some questions that you think are not correct, but they are really interesting to many. Thank!
Maximus Let me solve some of your questions because I remember TML had answered them somewhere before.
Aerosoft will not have stand in the E3 exhibition, they only attend the Gamecom.
Economic system will not appear on Fernbus in a short time, but they said on Community that they have got an idea of it and maybe will add it at some point in the future.
The performance is always being update. According to the Steam Community, the next update might bring a performance boost.
That's all I know.
Performance will be improved in the next Fernbus update, and in each next it also applies to the Tourist bus simulator game Maximus
The map of France and The bus should be this year
We are waiting for pedestrian passengers and AI trains for the Fernbus game all the time as well
Bus Man LION INTERCITY - it is possible that it will be summer during the holidays
Economic system Fernbus- it's a nice message because it will be a great thing MBO530
For your questions and for a large Russian community it's great what you are doing, maybe colleagues from TML STUDIOS will answer officially. Maximus
Thanks MBO530 Martin 40 Bus but I would like to receive official answers. As for the E3 exhibition, I know that TML-Studios will not be there, but this is the time when everyone shares announcements and it would be possible to arrange something like this here on the forum.
Thanks MBO530 Martin 40 Bus but I would like to receive official answers. As for the E3 exhibition, I know that TML-Studios will not be there, but this is the time when everyone shares announcements and it would be possible to arrange something like this here on the forum.
Here is a good topic for talks about plans and ideas about the game simulator bus , there are TML STUDIOS employees here and players . Trade fair plans are also welcome here
I invite you to the discussion also Timo, mk0 , Mathias , snapart , Tom Alex_S , and other colleagues and players forum TML.
You said that you have no plans for a new island in the Tourist Bus Simulator, but in the future there is a hope that we all the players will see it?
Hey guys! What about Lobos as a free DLC? It's near to Fuerteventura, you can even see it on the map in Tourist Bus Simulator. It wouldn't be too big to develop it for free, but it would be a nice goodie for TBS players, in my opinion.
Don_Castor I believe the DLCs for Tourist Bus will be these next islands. You go to the airport, get on the plane, and go to the next island. It's an interesting way of exploring and expanding the game.
Perhaps other islands around the world need not be just in that region.
At the difficult time of a map DLC, perhaps for now a review of the current map would be interesting.
we are in contact with the Kevin Nitschmann
Why? Kevin Nitschmann´s maps in Omsi was very bad.
In my opinion, Hamburg's DLC, Reinuhazen maps are very good, Kevin has some worse maps. Muckelchen
Maximus Information will come a lot of work on new content for Fernbus, please understand as much as we all know what will come, enjoy it, I assure you that the information will be about every new content on the forum by the employees now the work is advanced and this stage of many surprises TML STUDIOS prefers to make surprises now. They will inform TML STUDIO employees about any new content before the release, even my questions for my colleague Timo are unanswered, but I know that they work and I will get answers to them, I respect work that will bring many benefits for us.
It will be a very rich year of surprises about which we do not know everyone and it's great
Nevertheless, please, Timo would present here some answers to your questions and ours because I know how many people are waiting for these answers.
These are groups of players not only from Poland and Russia, but also other countries, please, Timo, to divide the subject of work on what you are working on and what will be issued, this is our polite letter, politely, it's not an order
Muckelchen IMO, Ruhrgebit by Kelvin is not so bad as supposed. However, compared to TML, their assets are far lower at quality.
If Düsseldorf could finally appeared in The Bus, that will be great. Hope the UE4 would make it looks better.
Noch nie OMSI 2 Graphics ist nicht das Spiel der Unreal Engine 4, daher wird es bei TML STUDIOS immer die Map die beste war.
Never OMSI 2 Graphics is not the game of Unreal Engine 4, so with TML STUDIOS it will always be the best map
Hi dear TML-Studios. Your answers to the past questions caused a great interest among the players in the Russian community, they were read by more than three thousand people (3,5k). It would be great if you take the time to answer a few more questions.
Thank you in advance for the answers, these questions concern all your dedicated players. I apologize if I asked some questions that you think are not correct, but they are really interesting to many. Thank!
Hi there Maximus,
we appreciate the interest of the Russian community a lot and for sure we can reply to some more questions as far as we can give a public statement at the moment.
1. You said that you are avid players and like games just like us, and which games like to play TML-Studios?
We're about ten people in the studio and the tastes vary quite a bit. To just name a few, we play some first person shooters franchises here and there, e.g. Far Cry and Borderlands. Some action adventurs like Mad Max, Assassins Creed and Dark Souls, but also some laid back kind of style games, e.g. Anno, City Skylines and Civilisation. Some play survival games of course too, Stranded Deep and Subnautica to just name a few.
We play these kind of games to relax and to some degree they can have an effect on our own style of game development, but mostly we still play games because we love gaming. It's just like filmmakers watching movies or chefs going to a restaurant in their spare time.
2. Soon there will be an E3 exhibition (Electronic Entertainment Expo), there will be a lot of news from the world of games, would you like to hold your conference for players, where you could show, for example, The BUS and France DLS or something like that which no one has seen, for example Italy, MAN Lion's Intercity?
Sadly, we won't attend E3. But we will share some new screenshots and information of DLC France along E3.
3. Addition France is considered the latest in the Fernbus Simulator roadmap. Will there be a new roadmap with new plans for the Fernbus Simulator in the near future? This question worries a lot.
The amount of effort to recreate the entirety of France is just incredible. DLC Austria/Switzerland took about 9 months to complete, as it has been the very first map extension DLC. DLC France has been in development since about 12 months including planning already. However, considering France is about more than 8 times the size and has 9 additional cities compared to DLC Austria/Switzerland, and every bus stop has been recreated true to original and most cities have sights recreated specially made for the DLC France, I think we're doing a pretty good job so far. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to show you lots of the progress yet.
Anyway, we are well aware, that the community is longing for more map extensions and we've already got plans for the next map extensions. Get ready for windmills, tulips and kloks. And there will be more to come and also more frequent after we finally completed the largest country in Central Europe: France.
4. Acute question, but I still try to ask. On Steam from players around the world, there are a lot of complaints about poor performance in Fernbus Simulator games and Tourist Bus Simulator, most negative feedback due to low FPS, will steps be taken to improve optimization in games? I was scolded a lot for not asking this question last time.
We've made some improvements to performance before, but as we've improved the graphics lately performance has dropped once more. Also, due to a bug in Unreal Engine 4.20, which Tourist Bus Sim got released with and is used by Fernbus Sim Update 19, performance has dropped significantly. Currently, we're about to update both games (with Fernbus Sim Update 21 and Tourist Bus Sim Update 4) to Unreal Engine 4.22, which will introduce some performance improvements to the Game Engine. The team here at TML Studios is overhauling the entire Asset pool to reduce draw calls and optimize LODs (Level of detail) among other graphical performance optimizations to just name a few of the things we're currently working on in order to improve performance. The programmers have located and fixed a very random bug within the traffic manager which caused a memory leak and thus impacted performance quite significant too. So, as you see, performance improvement is the main focus for the next updates of both games and we're eager to receive your feedback as soon as we make the next updates available for public testing.
5. We now know that not many people work at TML-Studios, do you have plans to expand and become more?
That's more of an economical question. You need to pay salaries in the end and have the income to afford so in the beginning. It's basically impossible to get a loan from a bank here in Germany for a business like ours. Federal funding for game development in Germany has just started this month. One might think, "but you earn so much money on Steam with your video games, because they're not that cheap after all". Well, first of all Steam takes up to 30% of the revenue, than Epic Games requires 5% for Unreal Engine, and then we have to split the money with our publisher of course too, and finally, we have to pay taxes. In the end, the profit is not that high anymore. So, we're not getting those 29,99 EUR, or regional equivalent, from everyone by a 100%. Nor does our publisher AeroSoft.
Anyway, due to the development of DLC's we are able to hire two new team members so far. So, thanks to everyone that bought one of our DLC's.
Long story short: The plan is to expand the team slowly and grow over time, rather burning the candle at both ends and do hire and fire.
6. You said that you have no plans for a new island in the Tourist Bus Simulator, but in the future there is a hope that we all the players will see it?
Well, we have ideas. And if we're able to realize them, it's going to be a lot greener. Most people complained about the rather "dull" landscape, and finally you give up explaining what a real world volcanic desert island like Fuerteventura looks like. So, why did we choose Fuerteventura in the first place? It's great test bed for the idea that become Tourist Bus Simulator, while some of the team were working on The Bus in the meantime.
7. Tourist Bus Simulator is an excellent economic company, is there a possibility that this will happen in the Fernbus Simulator?
It could be possible, but it certainly would'nt be as complex as in Tourist Bus Simulator. We would take the best and most fun elements and combine them with similar elements from DLC Football Team Bus.
8. Everyone is very much waiting for The BUS game, is it possible to release this year?
We still can tell for sure, but there is a possibility. Right now, we're laying the foundations for a great future of this new city bus game, while developing the graphics parallel. That's why you guys and girls don't see that much of new gameplay footage, because it's not that amazing for everybody to look at multiplayer code lines and dummy assets being used by the new dev tools. So, the development of The Bus is slow but steady, unlike the original development of Fernbus Sim.
And finally, sorry for the late reply, we're REALLY busy working on improving the performance and creating new content as well as developing The Bus at the same time.
Hi Gil mk0 thank you very much for this information, if I can discuss every point, then I will present you my position .
1. One thing missing here is that you do not even play buses Gil TML STUDIOS
2. It will be good to advertise your products at the fair
3. Map France - very good idea and I have long said that players always expect new maps and buses for games, so maybe MAN LION INTERCITY , if I understood correctly, there are opportunities for new countries, eg Luxemburg Belgium, etc. Gil
4.This is a very important matter, I'm glad that the matter of performance for both games is a priority here for TML STUDIOS because we know what players expect
5.supporting the TML STUDIOS products is very important because the work becomes possible and this is faster. That makes me very happy, the profits 100% are not all for the creator of the game, it's a bit sad here
6. Tourist bus simulator it would be very good to introduce new contents of the area or economic functions on the occasion of pedestrians passengers for Fernbus and train AI.
7.Tourist bus simulator - very good if something would be created for task missions such as shipping sea DLC or air transport.
8.THE BUS - the game has a lot of interest and we will be waiting for its development to introduce, it is always worth sharing photos of what you are doing and how to write to us today Gil .
At the end of my reflection for the game Fernbus would be good if there was a car wash mode, gas stations ,shop , pedestrians street and passengers bus and trains AI then the game would be really very cool. This is a great expectation of the players I hope you know about it and you can do something about it Gil
pedestrians who walk down the street at traffic lights would be great, hike through passages
Thank you for your time, we believe that everything will be perfect and it will be a nice joy for you and for us players, remember always about our ideas and expectations, common conversations will always be beneficial to all any help of players and our attention that you understand and expect. Together, you can create a lot of good bus history for three years now. Have a nice job with Gil TML STUDIOS
And you said windmill, tulips, it must be the BeLuxNe!
That's what I thought too; it must be BeNeLux
mk0 I wouldn't mind paying more money for the France DLC (more than Austria/Switzerland) as long as its quality is great, which will be by the looks of it!!
TML needs to make more profit and the players need more content so it's a fair deal in my opinion
I think that the community will agree with me as it's important for you to expand the studio
That's what I thought too; it must be BeNeLux
mk0 I wouldn't mind paying more money for the France DLC (more than Austria/Switzerland) as long as its quality is great, which will be by the looks of it!!
TML needs to make more profit and the players need more content so it's a fair deal in my opinion
I think that the community will agree with me as it's important for you to expand the studio
I agree that you should create new content for the game as , maps, bus , for example task-oriented DLC as Bundesliga.
it gives the player joy and TML profit and development for new projects. I am for a higher price for countries like Poland, Germany, England, France, the Netherlands and the prices would be for China, Russia, Brazil, Ukraine and Turkey current.