DLC MAN Lion's Intercity - Officially Available

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  • Hi I report this bug in your support in November , for me it's not normal because

    when you light on the passenger light, it's light on high level but when you close the door and start to drive, the lighting goes off completely instead off "low light level"

    For re-light on at this low level you must push the open door shortcut keyboard button when driving... (below first picture low level lighting)

    Clearly there is a bug.

    Furthermore the light point isn't well uniform, there is black hole inside the bus, the ramp isn't well illuminated

    in the reality the lighting is in low level when driving but not light off completely,

    and below is the link of the deutsch manual , see in page 176/177 where it explain that the lighting is decrease at 10km/h but not goes off...


    I report some other problem for this bus, you see in this pictures below

    There is a ghost light always on to the right dashboard

    Then for the driver cabin lighting, you see the beam lighting on the dashboard and ground but missing the point light in the ceiling... (this is the same on the VDL coach)




    In this video at 4.10, you see clearly that the two spot in front is the driver ligthing not light on in the same time of the passenger light

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