Update 1.3 BETA - Now Available

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  • TB_1.3BETA_1280x720.jpg

    We're starting a new BETA for The Bus! Update 1.3. BETA has just been activated. Various problems have been fixed, the passenger behavior has been revised, pedestrians can finally cross the street and further corrections have been made to the minimap, bug reporter and others.

    You can find the full changelog here:


    Please create backup copies of your savegame files before switching to the EA BETA Update. Savegames may not be compatible with the new version of the game.


    ATTENTION: This is a BETA update. Technical problems, instability of the game as well as bugs during gameplay can be possible.

    How to install the beta version of the update?

    Quite easily:

    1. In your Library, you click with the right mouse button on the entry of the "The Bus"
    2. In the drop-menu, you click on the entry "Properties"
    3. In the window "The Bus - Properties" you select the tab "BETAS"
    4. In the field "Select the beta you would like to opt into:" select the entry "beta-beta"
    5. Now you can close the window and the beta version of the update should download right away
    6. After downloading the update you can start The Bus via the "PLAY" button
    7. In the main menu should now be the corresponding version number of the beta version of the update and you can test the update


    Changelog 0.7.42100 EA

    NOTE: Existing user-created lines and routes containing specific bus stops may become buggy with this version - we’re working on the issue!

    • Performance optimization
    • Added new bus stop from Alexanderplatz to Betriebshof Indira-Ghandi-Strasse
    • Fixed photo mode interrupting board computer interaction
    • Fixed pedestrians crossing streets
    • Updated passenger behavior with vehicle’s front door
    • Updated passenger behavior at bus stops
    • Fixed radio being audible for a second on vehicle ignition
    • Fixed passengers not spawning after finishing a route in a loaded save game
    • Fixed photo mode time reset bug
    • Scania Citywide mirror position fixed
    • Fixed passenger disembarkation while operating door controls
    • Fixed tutorial texts when loading a savegame
    • Fixed passengers getting stuck in arcade mode
    • Updated sound volumes of cashier, door and ticket printer
    • When no seats are available passengers will now wait before entering and go away if no seat becomes free after some time
    • Fixed closing bug reporter with the Escape key while in pause menu causing pause menu to get stuck
    • Fixed NPC head orientation
    • Fixed AM/PM time display
    • NavMesh updates
    • Minimap fixes
    • Level art fixes


    Changelog 0.7.42208 EA Beta

    • Multi-display fixes
    • Speed limit fixes
    • Some roadmap fixes
    • Fixed some new bus stops when selecting them for lines in the in-game editors
    • Fixed the physics of a street lantern
    • Added feedback when trying to edit default read-only data in the in-game editors
    • Fixed icons in minimap navigation not showing up
    • Fixed a route selection bug
    • Fixed some interior lights not working in the Scania Citywide
    • Fixed a memory leak of the NPC vehicles


    Changelog 0.7.42442 EA Beta

    • Fixed a common crash
    • Added new gamepad input mapping (please, reset your input mappings to default)
    • Added cross selector menus for gamepad and keyboard control of vehicles
    • Fixed draw distance of interior decals inside the Scania Citywide
    • Fixed a handrail connection inside the Scania Citywide 18M
    • Added joint lock alarm when driving forward through narrow curves
    • Added buttons on the dashboard to disable joint lock alarm
    • Fixed passenger seat position bug
    • Improved sun shadow performance
    • Localisation fixes


    Changelog 0.7.42465 EA Beta

    • Fixed a crash due to new profile management*
    • Fixed some vehicle sounds*
    • Fixed asset LOD issues
    • Additional art fixes
    • Game controller default brake values of Scania Citywide updated


    Changelog 0.7.42490 EA Beta

    • Fixed the collision of the streets near Beusselstrasse*


    Changelog 0.7.42517 EA Beta

    • Fixed the missing stop request icon in the dashboard display*
    • Fixed missing door sounds*
    • Fixed action cams of doors*
    • Fixed incorrect click sounds when accelerating and braking*

    *Only occurred during the BETA test of this update

  • Well... I like the way pedestrians cross the street and cars make way for them. Now, at sharp turns, you need to look both ways to see a pedestrian. That's cool! :):thumbup:

    In my opinion, there are still few pedestrians. They are mainly concentrated at major intersections. But I'm sure this is just the beginning.

    I still see problems with external sounds.

    Yesterday I reinstalled Steam, uninstalled and reinstalled The Bus, but when I open the window from the driver's side, there are still no sounds.

    Will it be so now?

    I love to hear the sound of the engine, but it's not there now. Unless you install the camera from a third person.

  • lgvdbroek A line from Flughafen Tegel to Indira-Gandhi-Str can be created in the editor, here is a video showing how to create your own lines:

    External Content www.youtube.com
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

  • Maximus.

    Please can you show how ?

    Try using Editor Tutorials on YouTube, there are a few, or if you want to, download my XXL Operating Plan for the Bus for the actual Beta 1.3 with exactly what you searched for, a line from Tegel to Indira-Ghandi.

  • We just released a new BETA for The Bus. We have made some fixes, including the multi-display function. You can find the full changelog in the main article.

  • I've got the last update now, but I have trouble with ending the game.
    When I use the "Exit door" to end the, the game is trying to close.
    But there is a spinning wheel on the bottom corner and the game is not closing.
    Now I'm going to the Windows taskmanager and use End task
    Am I the only one ?

    Leo, The Netherlands

  • Hi Leo,

    NL: Wat jammer dat het blijft laden... Ik heb het net zelf geprobeerd en sloot de gameplay in 6.5 seconden. Het zou aan de hoeveelheid achtergrond taken kunnen liggen.. Ik ga er dus vanuit dat dit probleem niet bij iedereen is, en dus geen fout in de algemene game zelf.

    EN: What a shame it keeps loading... I just tried it myself and closed the gameplay in 6.5 seconds. It could be due to the amount of background tasks.. So I'm assuming that this problem isn't for everyone, and therefore not a bug in the general game itself.



  • @ Chris,

    [UK] Hey, Chris,

    I think it's that KLB mod. Now have the latest version ( 0.7.42465) and still it does not close.
    The usual standard does.

    It's now 11:28 and I have to leave at 11:31.

    The traffic behind me isn't happy with me.

    When they can just pass.


    [NL] Hoi, Chris,
    Ik denk dat het aan die KLB mod ligt.

    Heb nu de laatste versie (0.7.42465) en die sluit ook niet af.
    De gewone standaard sluit wel netjes af.

    Ze zijn niet blij met mij. Verkeer stroopt nog steeds op. 😥

    Leo, The Netherlands