Unlocked cities locked again

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  • Hi. Fernbus has just erased all the progress I've achieved in recent months, locking back all the cities I've unlocked. It's not the first time it does something like that but now the quantity of cities it locked is enormous. I'm sicked and tired of this bug, I just lost my valuable time. Please, do something about that.

    • Official Post


    Have you reset your profile, they wouldn't just lock on their own, they would only do that if you've reset your profile and moved your home city, unfortunately, we currently don't have a way of doing a 100% unlocked profile for Fernbus like we do for Tourist Bus, if you want to drive with all the cities immediately unlocked, you can choose "Freeplay", in "Fernbus" or "Shuttle" mode, you have to unlock the cities by starting with one unlocked "home" city, then progressively unlock more by driving to them.

    I will forward the possibility of a 100% unlocked profile, we know that some people just want to drive to cities without having to unlock them first, as it's time consuming.

    Also, please refrain from opening unnecessary threads, a more appropriate thread is this one: Fernbus Update 28: Released

    I am closing this thread now.

    Kind Regards.