We will contact you guys as soon as we need translations prior release.

Translation Offers
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I really want to have Chinese, so I believe that many Chinese players to buy.
Hallo Leute,
I am not sure if the game already has a Hungarian distributor which would handle localization, but if not, I'd be more than happy to support you guys with a Hungarian translation. Let me know if it is needed, so that I can plan accordingly.
While I speak some German, my command of English is much better, so I'd prefer to work from the English localization strings, if possible. Let me know once development reaches the stage that translations can be worked on.
Cool! Good luck with the release, folks!
If any team (or person) is going for Turkish, I can help. Not sure if I can translate whole game myself but I'll help (or start).
Hey everybody, my name is Tony.
So I'm new on the forum, I discovered Fernbus not long ago and it looks very promising to me !
Anyway ! I'm French and I could help translating the game to French if you need someone to do it.
I think have a decent level in English and a really good level in French so you can get in touch with me whenever you're ready to implement translations.Regards, Tony
And Russian language will be in the game ?
Same thing: maybe. We might call out for translation help, so keep an eye on this topic.
@Chris in launching what are the available languages?
If you allow me after the release I can help with the translation into Portuguese, would the service on a voluntary basis, without asking anything at all in return.
I leave you my email Should you need for future contacts (lus.navio@gmail.com).Greetings
Luís Navio -
Thanks a lot, Luis! We will get back to you, if needed.
Hi, TML team. If needed, I can help with translation of this game from English on Russian language. You can contact with me via PM.
I just saw a video of this game today and it looks amazing, you guys keep up the good work on this game and i'm sure it will be a killer.
Anyway as everyone is offering help in translation of the game I'm free for Croatian translation if needed.
I'm very good with English language and understand German so i can work with any of those two, but would preffer English localization strings.
I know that a lot of people from Balkan (Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia) play Euro Truck Simulator and that means they will play Fernbus for sure or at least try it.
I'm sure they will be pleased to see Croatian or any of those 3 Balkan languages as they are mostly the same.Just feel free to contact me once translations can be worked on (Via Email would be the best way).
Best regards, Zdenko
Hello, i could help to you with ,, LITHUANIAN " language, because lithuanians will play this game
I can help with Latvian language translation