Fernbus Coach Simulator: Your wishes and ideas

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  • Things like to see in fernbus simulator
    -Have usable coffee machine on the bus :)
    -The glass fog when it was raining
    -Add to random delayed passengers events, which would then knock on the door to let go as it has in bus simulator
    -Add irizar i6 // Staff note: They are not common on Germany
    -Add another driver for longer trips as in Flixbus where part of the journey did we and other party would make the driver controlled the game, naturally would have a key to be able to move forward in time to when I had it the other driving
    -To reach some bus station we would have to ring the bell to be told where in we would park and to open the gate
    -Being able to start the game in the house of the driver and driving a car to the warehouse of Flixbus // Staff note: Fernbus Coach Simulator is not a RPG game :)

    -Be more random activity in the warehouse as employees to wash buses, repairing buses, among other things.
    -- A game mode to company management that would buy more buses, set their routes, routes buy, buy deposits, hire drivers, hire mechanics among other functions (That to think only of the future)

  • Can you fix the front windscreen rain effect. The puddles and rain on the side of the coach is fantastic. When raining there is no need to use to wipers as no rain appears on the windscreen?
    Staff note: Will be fixed soon!

    Reduce the green bus stop marker to only turning green when then bus is parked properly, currently turns green when anywhere nearby

    Menus look poor compared to ETS. ETS style navigation would answer a lot of problems

    Have yet to be able to make my G920 A,B,X,Y keys work correctly. Assigning the buttons doesn't work
    Staff note: Will be fixed soon!

    Include other buses in AI, also other buses in bus stations, more passengers

    Adjustable mirrors

    Map size is excellent, detail fantastic, bus modelling superb.

    Can't wait for the neoplan (maybe a free upgrade for early purchasers due to bugs in production game maybe?)
    Staff note: Let's see! Probably some free minor gadgets ingame?

    Hope you approve some of these suggestions

  • Hello Sorry for my bad english

    For now i think the game is pretty similar to ETS2, you carry passengers point A to point B

    I have some ideas to be more like a Flixbus driver

    - It's be great if i can sell food and drinks in the bus when we are stopped in a town

    - Passengers can have problems during the transport (sickness, or complaint)

    - Can you added more Parking area, a lot of time, i'm just to far of a parking and my route don't by a parking so i can't stop

    - Can you and an annonce of the next town desserved by the bus might be played when we enter in this town before the stop area

    - More difficult passengers ticket than actual to detect real to false (false number or name)
    Staff note: Already ingame

    - Can you adjust the schedule on the line ? i'm everytime almost 40 min at 1 hour early and i drive carefully

  • i'm here to write about fern bus its a good game however there's many things that need sorting to make it a good game

    what is that stopping it being a good game?

    • Steering support steering wheels are either not supported or its not easy to set up its makes it got if it's easy
      Staff note: We are working on this right now
    • missions normally on bus games you have missions for you or when you click the dot it just not do the missions
    • the game is not easy to use or to play
      Staff note: Could you add more detail?
    • it's hard to use on keyboard cause it doesn't work for my logitech g29
      Staff note: Same as your first note, working on that right now
    • maybe new busses? :}
      Staff note: Yep! We will release a Neoplay Skyliner very soon
  • Add irizar i6 // Staff note: They are not common on Germany

    @SocialOfficer but from what I can check flixbus Irizar i6 has in its fleet.
    Staff note: We will take a closer look at this bus model
    [Blocked Image: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1490/26125496142_645d02d1a5.jpg]

  • Hi, still waiting for the game to reach Spain.

    In the mean time, quick question with something I've seen on youtube with the booking document, what will be the future development of this?
    I've attached a photo to show the difference between the real thing and the one in game. (Don't worry the booking number and QR code doesn't work).
    - Will the grey box eventually display some kind of map? That would be nice.
    - The green boxes on the ingame document are all green where as the real one actually has symbols.
    - The green line showing the route is solid on the ingame document and the real life one has a circle on top and below.
    - What about the possibility to change the language of this document so infact we can see it all in English in game, depending on the game language.

    Thanks, Matthew.

    EDIT: We've included your ideas.

    Thanks for answers :)

    Staff note: Cities with POI are already large. What do you mean by 'bus stop at the tunnel'?

    In the town too many closed roads. When there is a traffic jam, it is difficult to get to the bus station. There is no alternative way.
    Possible that I was not lucky and caught a section of track...

    Staff note: As events on Autobahn?

    Yes. I have listed below examples :)

  • Hello, optimization, in my opinion, is the key to the game has become great. There are a lot of players throwing these errors. Please take this as a priority in a future update. Players on a good PC complains. I drove almost the entire map and in the majority of the picture is not płynny.Nie forget it is very important for players from all over the world. Thanks, look forward to it with niecierpiwością to repair the @SocialOfficer.

  • A few other bus models besides MAN that are also in service for Flixbus.

    Mercedes Travego and Tourismo
    Setra S516HD
    Setra 431DT
    Temsa Safari HD
    Irisbus Magelys Pro
    Irisbus Evadys Pro
    VDL Futura and VDL Bova (old bus)
    Scania Touring
    Volvo 9700
    VanHool TDX27

    Adblue addition
    Be able to open toilet & sleeper door
    Emptying waste from toilet (on reststop)
    Manual shifting or sequential

  • maybe make it realistic?

    • if you crash there's damage on bus
      Staff note: Won't be included due to our licensing with MAN
    • late passengers
    • buses in bus station not just you
    • real situations like fire engine / paramedics / police / helicopter
    • diversions
      Staff note: Already ingame
    • does it need be a coach? :}
      Staff note: We will take this into consideration
  • A feature that I'd like to see is the ability to open up the engine compartment door at the back and see the engine running (like at 1:10 of your release event video on Facebook).

    [Blocked Image: http://i.imgur.com/7cmlquR.png]

    Another feature that I'd like to see is the ability to change your home depot (unless this is something I haven't noticed).

    One last thing, customisable license plates (like choosing country, changing the letters and numbers as well) ;)

  • Some of my ideas and wishes

    -Manual route destination setup (For the bus led sign)
    -Manual gearbox (H-Shifter)
    -Multiplayer for future
    -Online leaderboard
    -Own routes and virtual company where you can hire other players
    -Better engine sounds for MAN coaches
    -Make your own paintjob for bus
    -People walk into bus, not just teleport inside the bus
    -VDL Futura style bus
    [Blocked Image: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/19/Flixbus_(Staf_Cars)_Apeldoorn_4_December_2015.JPG]