Which Lion's Coach do you mean? 2nd or 3rd Generation?
General Feedback on Fernbus Coach Simulator
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Special thanks for the weather / seasons engine! I was driving from Grenoble to Marseille in January, and wow, it produced everything just as I assumed. There was snowy winter in Grenoble and on the Alps, but this Mediterranean climate in Marseille. I was an active MSFS user in the past, and I always hope that one day a bus or a truck simulator will have an internet weather reports -based engine. Anyway, at the moment we have a winner weather system in Fenbus Simulator, in the bus + trucking games world.
Which Lion's Coach do you mean? 2nd or 3rd Generation?
2nd Generation
Glass rain effect not working. Rainy and snowy. Retarder sound problem ( Lion's Coach ) not working.
Just to report that the retarder sound is also not working on the Skyline
VDL has issues aswell, when you use normal brake, the retarder sound and dashlight turn on
!Only in FBS!
Thanks for your reports, we'll take a look at it. Regards
Why does the rest area quality score score so badly, even though I have reached all rest area facilities on time without any problem?
VDL'nin anakartlarında var, normal freni kullanarak, geciktirici sesi ve gösterge ışığı yanıyor
! Yalnızca FBS'de!
bu otomatik geciktirici devre dışı bırakma lambası
CodeSetra'nın kamera açısı sürekli kötüleşiyor, adam hariç tüm araçların retarder sesleri arızalı, gaza basmama rağmen retarder sesini yine de duyuyorum. Yağmur ve araçların camlarına yapışmaz.
CodeSetra'nın kamera açısı sürekli kötüleşiyor, adam hariç tüm araçların retarder sesleri arızalı, gaza basmama rağmen retarder sesini yine de duyuyorum. Yağmur ve araçların camlarına yapışmaz.
bu otomatik geciktirici devre dışı bırakma lambası
CodeSetra'nın kamera açısı sürekli kötüleşiyor, adam hariç tüm araçların retarder sesleri arızalı, gaza basmama rağmen retarder sesini yine de duyuyorum. Yağmur ve araçların camlarına yapışmaz.
CodeSetra'nın kamera açısı sürekli kötüleşiyor, adam hariç tüm araçların retarder sesleri arızalı, gaza basmama rağmen retarder sesini yine de duyuyorum. Yağmur ve araçların camlarına yapışmaz.
thanks for the feedback. Those things will be fixed in one of the next updates. Regards
изображение_2021-02-10_130537.pngNew article about TML-Studios in Bild. https://www.bild.de/regional/t…M_tka_1QEXgQuyz-9ctbUO_MU
Oh! He said early access is starting in Late March?
I assumed that early access will begin in March 29-31. Quarney previously wrote that TML-Studios is making the most of this time. Nevertheless, March is already close. We won't have to wait long
Late March it is
Guys, first of all, the new VDL is incredible, I had the opportunity of doing a small trip between Amsterdam and Rotterdam today, and was amazing! Thank you for your work!
But I think I found a bug with the bus, and want to know if only happens with me... Coz, when I was traveling I could notice some flash flickering in the window, was during the day, and the flickering occurred more in the cities. I loaded my Skyliner to test, and nothing happened. So just want to check if someone is having this same problem.
Other thing that I noticed is the breaks are very very sensitive. I use a G29, and I had to adjust a LOT the curve, I used the same controls of my Skyliner, and I'm a small girl with a small feet lol, any small touch and I could hear the tires screeching. It was intentional?
Valentina - thank you for the compliments about the new bus and we’re very happy your enjoying themthe flickering in the windows is a known bug and will be fixed in the next update, likely to come out before Easter, as for the screeching tyres, what you probably heard was the ABS kicking in to prevent the wheels locking, this could be a bit sensitive, and different between buses, so sometimes tweaking your settings per bus in the controls section will help
Best Regards. -
confirmed to me it doesn't work either
Workshop is not working????
confirmed to me it doesn't work either
Im working a new repaint but workshop not working