Hello everyone here on the TML-studios forum!
My name is Rick and i made a youtube channel called simstuff, here i will show you every ins and outs of as many simulators as possible!
I bring you detailed but still straight to the point explainations of how everything works in the game, and you will also see how much of a laugh
and fun you can have in simulators
So far i made a video coverage of the new improved Hamburg innovationslinie in OMSI 2, where i will be driving a lovely ''citaro'' bendy bus from the 3 generations add-on pack on line 109 from Alsterdorf to the hauptbahnhof ZOB
here's the link for the OMSI 2 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B25pOnvWiZU
Before that i made a video coverage of fernbus coach simulator, i made this video when it had just released on steam for a couple of days so the video doesn't show the actual state the game is in wich is MUCH better now (also the footage quality isn't to high.. noob me)
But its still fun to watch and not unbareable This video is in 2 parts so here are the links: part 1:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RGe4UsKR7E part 2:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3DtAfMH2xY
This is all the material i have at the moment and i sincerely hope you guys enjoy my video's and please comment on them! Tell me what i should make next for you guys? after all i want to make stuff YOU want to see If you're like, well.... thats cool simstuff! please leave me a like and subscribe and i'll try to make more video's for you all!
thanks for reading my post and have a great weekend everyone!
Greetings from Holland