Posts by Timo
We are closing this forum
In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here:
Thanks for your reports Sami Nordlund & Kadimbey
Hi Dynek
The Buildings should be fixed with the next update. Thanks!
I tried to reproduce your crashes, unfortunately both seem to be very random crashes. We´ll try to find the cause. Sorry!
Would help us a lot if you could save the game every couple minutes, just in case it crashes, you could send us the savegame in the support center then please.
Thank you!
Thank you, will be fixed.
the issues you reported should be fixed in the next patch. Thank you.
Martin 40 Bus The vegetation on road should be fixed too in the next patch.
Thank you
Hi Kadimbey
Thank you very much for your Feedback!
For your Screenshots 1&2, please always include a map screenshot like on Screenshot 3&4, that helps us a lot to quickly find and fix the reported issues.
Only hint that the first screenshot was taken at Quai de Bercy is the wall structure in the background, for your second screenshot its only recognizable by the little ingame map that you are near Arc de Triomphe.
Thank you!
Hi Wardoc
Dein Ticket-Link funktioniert bei mir.
Welchen Browser verwendest du? Versuchs bitte mal in einem anderem, falls du noch einen installiert hast.
Thank you all for your feedback and patience!
Thanks for your Screenshots, will be fixed.
As we said, it was not intended to have the DLC released that early, we even had a big red warning banner on the steam page, saying that people shouldnt buy it yet.
DavidGamer401 Thank you, we´ll look that up when the more serious stuff is under control
das ist eigentlich nicht Sinn der Sache für jemanden der aktuell gesperrt ist dann das Sprachrohr zu spielen.
Die Sperre bleibt vorerst bestehen.
It is enough now. You have complained about the same things over and over again, in every possible forum thread that might could be used to complain about something. We noticed your concerns, we´ve seen it as you complained about that for the first time, for the 50th and for the 100th time. You have even received answers from us several times that we will take care about it, but it never seems to be enough for you,
Instead of just accepting that some things take some time, and we cant just take care about only you and only your concerns, you step it further accusing us not listening at all to our community.
I warned you several times before that you should shift down a gear, adjust your behavior towards us, which you completely ignore, so you´ll have an off-time now.
you DO NOT write anyone a warning. Calm down, you´re not moderating this forum.
If you see something you find inappropriate, report it to us, we´ll have a look and WE DECIDE, not you.
You also need to change your tone, the way you write most your postings lately is close to an off-time for you again.
Ok, thats true, technicly its not the AI but point for you
At least the AI is better than the FBS AI
Martin 40 Bus @John Reasonmill
Its exactly the same as in Fernbus, so what makes those exactly same AI systems different for you?
The GTX 1650 will most likely not be able to run it in high settings.
If you choose a NVidia Graphicscard, dont go below a XX60 Version.
I´d suggest that you have a look at
and see the jumps between the XX50 models and the XX60/XX70/XX80 Models.
Your selected 400Watts power supply is a bit low, may better change that to 600, and also upgrade to 16GB RAM.
this is about the dev diary, not about comparing our games with other games.
Feel free to tell us your improvement suggestions about our games in the feedback section.
mk0 there are cars dissapearing here to20190805234025_1.jpg
Where is that? Please take a second screenshot with a city nearby so we can find that spot. Thank you.
probier mal die Zurücksetzen Funktion (Backspace-Taste) aus, die tut eigentlich genau das.
would you head over to our support center and send me your savegame so I can have a look at whats going on there?
You´ll find your savegame in:
Please pack your savegame as *.zip or *.rar or *.7zip
Please also let me know about your settings, if you use arcade mode, realistic or custom and if custom, whats activated and whats deactivated.