It's two basic tweaks which are really needed. The removal of chime and the replacing the destination sign textures. Two really small things which could probably be done in under an hour but would make a huge difference to the game. I'm not an expert on New York but now these have been pointed out they would be very anoying if not corrected. I'm surprised TML made such errors but I'm sure they will be corrected their games are always excellent.
Posts by Mainline421
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Is this the official cover for WOS4?
EDIT: Ungültiger Link entfernt.
What will happen to the old TmlStudiosde channel?
Why are there no windows?
The graphics don't look as good in the video.
Good to see an update and great graphics!
A bit off topic but With WOS 4 taking so long what does the future hold for published games from TML-Studios?
No English translation? Oh well it's still good to see more screenshots, it would be good to see a video of the AI.
With such detailed streets will the player be able to leave the station? (No I'm not talking anywhere near a whole city but the pavement beneath elevated track would be nice.) Great to see WOS 4 taking shape and great graphics in the last screenshot. -
Thanks for English translation!
Vincent Majerowicz ECS hasn't even been released yet! It's still in development.
EDIT: must say CBS2 is a good game though, just don't think it's what you're looking for. -
Vincent Majerowicz You don't want CBS2 then, the 100 is wholly within Munich. Check out and…e-are-working-on-too.html. As for bus simulators featuring more than one city there currently isn't one you sound like you want a coach simulator though.
NOTE FOR TML MODS: I do not consider this a violation of any rules as TML have never created a coach simulator therefore a coach simulator (which has not even been released yet) cannot be considered a competitor. -
Tom: No I think I must have imagined it (or a mistranslation) as I can't find it and New York was in the list I made.
Grenko: I know it wasn't Paris you made hat quite clear over a year ago I'm just not a big fan of the US or grey subway trains. Any chance of genuine sounds recorded off an actual subway train as that's where most Train Simulators fail. -
New York!? I'm disappointing I though Tom said it wasn't New York oh well should still be good...
Great to hear more news again! So as far as I can gather from multiple different translations TML-Studios has developed training simulators throughout the past two years. If this is the case is any code directly shared between these and Simulators publicly released? Or are they not connected?
Why it can't be Phoenix: Phoenix has no subway! Metro Light Rail is not a subway and while I personally would not mind a tram/Other Light Rail simulation it still wouldn't qualify for WoS.
It's now been a year since WOS4 was announce with no major info which is great if this time is being used to develop the game. But I hope TML is not starting to release less info than with previous games.
Once again if development is just taking longer then no info is good. Otherwise you should publish some more information IMO.
We need a WOS 5 Paris, it was promised you should deliver.
Sorry for English. -
Right narrowed down now it's in America (not on an island) thanks for confirmation Grenko. I fear this means US of A (rather than the continent which is rarely refereed to as America nowadays sadly) though which would such a cliche. Still 2km draw distance sounds excellent for a Simulator!
Might sound like a stupid question but what are the most realistic settings? I don't care about difficulty just realism.