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Posts by PursuitGamer6
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I do not blame you company, I'm just saying that if everyone here we signal errors and ideas that you have to appreciate and pursue. I appreciate what you are doing, incorrectly understood me. @SocialOfficer .
The thing is... it's not a error. it's a achievement/easter egg.. how hard is it to read? (kinda hard with google translate ofcourse...)
@legress I believe they are creating a tutorial for that. You can always go on YT and search for 'Paint.NET skin tutorial' or something similar.
I don't think so.. Hit the edit button from the message. and copy paste it. Maybe it works.
You can report that here
Send in a support ticket. You can do it here.
Remember only @SocialOfficer , G29 steering wheel, buttons to add a function to improve , and LEDs G 29 enable this feature game by adding gas. I told about this TIMO support ,and to improve the optimization of the game.
and here we go again... spamming forums again with 'G29 Improve' and 'optimalization of the game'... The game is already good optimized... buy a better pc if it cant handle it, instead of blaming it on the developers.
lmao. cant stop laughing... I'm wondering every day on the internet how stupid people are, at the moment...
"Developers do not have priority to update FFB."
"We continue with promises unfulfilled"
"They said in two weeks and nothing."I'm serious, Are these people just so dumb, or are they pretending to be dumb?
@Elenity, lets make a deal here... You develop a game within a year, and when you release it, you have 0 bugs, and if there are any bugs, you solve them within a hour. Deal? Let's see if you still talk this way if you ever do amke a game.
There is a alert saying; Vehicle offroad when im on the road... I experienced it on the way Wiesbaden to Bonn
Hi Chris, I have long I'm talking about the problem of errors in the game optimization of this tells you a Luis, please answer us. You can not avoid the topic or to speak with a silent problem for the Germans is not fitting. I have a pc MSI GE 70 2 PE APACHE PRO series of gaming, and I have 15 FPS for ultra and image shearing .Other game project FIFA cars go 40 FPS without any shear image. The problem exists and is a serious. Or do you want to play was good and bought and have a good reputation of the company and it will improve or do not do anything with saying it's ok. It is good to optimize it says mass of players in the world. Hyperextended people and say clearly this will improve optimizations and when you or not. We are also waiting for the other updates and the lack of them this is not done, this game hopes to mase was a lot of players here and what is done I'm sorry but I always speak what I think the truth I will not hiding anything. Thank you and answer us specifically Chris.
1, They already said thouzends of times; we are trying to fix the problem... And read what Temo said, you are shouting a lot, like URF MAN, but you don't do ANYTHING to try to resolve the problem, or give some explaination on where it is (e.g. on the highway, in town, everywhere). Give some substained explainations on where, how many fps, pc specs, etc...
2. Is Chris a god for you or something? There are more people than just Chris. Chris is not a developer, he's 'just' an Community Manager.
3. If you can't even run FIFA on 60fps with your PC, how do you ever expect Fernbus run smoothly on Ultra?
Long story short, your 'game optimalization problem' posts, are just spam...
Am i the only one here with 60fps (not lower locked on 60) with a GTX960? :c
@PursuitGamer6 I have already written, no answer yet
They have many tickets. Please have some patience. ;P
I want to report the bugs. In the main corridor of the bus, there are main white lights for the passengers. If I turn it on, they are lighting only 15 seconds and than they are turn off. The optimalization of the game is bad. There are lags. I would like to have good work of my Logitech G29, I mean the LEDs should lights when I'm accelerating like e.g. in Project Cars or The Crew games. Please make the shifter will have manual 6 gears. Also the clutch should work. Thank you.
@PursuitGamer6 , This content is understood please do not do the problem, already have established with @SocialOfficer
'please do not do the problem' 10/10 english
Exactly, that's why you should contact the support center...
@SocialOfficer ,This should confirm statements and not the way. Comments are correct faults and wishes, I submit it also to Chris and Mathias. Respond to suggestions from people on the forum to improve the game and honor the valuable comments to the game became excellent.
Like they don't respond to people... joker... And try to type english by yourself, instead of using Google translate... Your not understandable most of the time.
Yes, I did it but got no answer!
Have some patience... They need to help more people then just you.
Some people use multiple controllers on their computer. I think it would be handy to let them choose.
Example: UndergroundBerlin uses 2 controllers: Xbox 360 controller, and a G29.. let him choose what controller he want to use.
Again, i used UndergroundBerlin just as an example
EDIT: We've included your idea.
*whistle* I said nothing... :p
I wish a button which skips the intro things like; TML-Studios, aerosoft logo's etc.