Posts by OutragedMetro
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In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here:
Hope this is coming in an update soon looking forward to my own music/Radio rather then alt-tab out of game just to change song
⟹New to repainting skins please be nice⟸ A new repaint for Fernbus I am working on fixing minor things but full release is officially here Skyrim edition:
OutragedMetro More radio stations are not planned at the moment, but we are pleased to hear your proposal. maybe we will do it in the future.
Well I don't mean more radio u mean the ability to use our own stations or shoutcasts as radio
Any news on this?
Rumors say that the modding tools will be released with The Bus.
I hope so we really need them would make things so much better!
This is interesting. Good.
Thanks its my first repaint!
No news on the modding tools yet for map modding from 2018? you guys said it was postponed and I was wondering if there is any new news on that yet?
I have fixed the paints (Official release has arrived)
I can take a look
Sent you a message with the file. Thanks for the help!
This is my very first repaint for Fernbus please don't be to hard on me! Official Repaint release for Outraged Coach Lines available on steam Downloads available here:…iledetails/?id=1834219896
I know you have added the ability to listen to Radio in Fernbus but I was wondering if you guys are going to add a config or a way for users to use custom internet radio in game rather then just the stations you have imputed if you could let me know that would be greatly appreciated if a feature is coming.
forcefeedback is not dead, we know it is a big thing and has high priority.
I hope we´ll have something ready for the next or atleast second next beta-update.Hey thanks for the response glad to hear it I can't wait to have it no offence to your amazing team but any driving game should have wheel support and force feedback especially considering it is 2017 Thanks for the response though!
Dear TML MetroNorth here I am back to see what updates you have planned and stuff for the game. I was wondering are you even going to release force feed back or is that a dead request from us? because without the force feedback the game is basically a waste of time to play. I love everything you have done but without the Force Feedback I feel like my steering wheel was a waste of money when I play fernbus hope you can fix it soon.
Hey TML I was wondering when the Force feed back is going to be updated. Also I would like to say I do appreciate the english dev diary please keep them coming.
@Postbus Is my greyhound in the list? I was just wondering Love your progress
Translation: Ist mein Windhund in der Liste? : P habe mich gefragt, ich Ihren Fortschritt nur Liebe
go to settings -> game -> the 3rd from bottom option
but you will probably not feel any force feedback until you hit something. i have a t500 and i only get the above force feedback
Thanks for the info yeah I got a t150 myself. I hope they do get the full force feedback into the game soon.
i have found only a switch on and off setting, and i have noticed that there is only FFB when hitting a kerb or other objects inc. cars, also on some hills and corners the FFB has a mini fit. for that reason i am keeping FFB turned off for the moment, but it is good to see progress and i look forward to the other upcoming updates.
Thanks for the response any idea how I can turn it on and off in game? as I do not see the setting anywhere myself. I must be blind
ok i have reproduced the bug with the vehicle off road when going over speed bumps hope this helps the devs find out whats wrong
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Looking at the video you hit the gas before you were over the speed bump so I don't know if thats a bug
so I noticed basic force feedback was added with missing features where can I go to edit my FFB? as its better to have in game settings for it and I do not currently see it.