very very bad!
Posts by Dendy
We are closing this forum
In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here:
@Cooper's Freightmaster hahaa)) its good, they were drunk after flight
Hello TML! Tell me, and the update will be this week ?
@SocialOfficer thx, very nice
@SkillfulCorpse this mode is only one trip, without passengers
sensitivity to the controller will ? Bus turns sharply on the gamepad !
Ridiculous? why was the release? The game has many bugs , why did you become to sell this game ?this beta version ,you have to sell the pure product and not semifinished? You are guilty and still want to prove something.You have to be silent and to patch holes in the game for your fans.You do not have any project that would work perfectly, excuse me,but we'll see what will next for the update!
P.s. Hotfix 1.0.9142 (The AI vehicles should stop correctly at red traffic lights) Nothing changed .. From you a lot of publicity for the game , but in fact nothing
@lusnavio congratulations
Other languages will be added in the game?
@BloterGaming It is important not to abandon the project , as it likes to do TML! And start making a new game, and fernbus will remain forever with bugs
Road marking appears just before the nose!!!!!!!!!!!
How to adjust the sensitivity of the gamepad ? №1 in the mirror fog, №2 hard to read the signs of movement, №3 slowly appear textures №4 AI driver gray....... All this will change ?
Hello guys! also it has awesome graphics but pretty low frame rates. i use a GTX 980 4GB and 10GB ram, I only get 17-27fps. adjusting the settings on makes the screen blurred to the point were you might as well be blind