Good evening Timo! Thank you so much for your nice reply!
wow so cool that you do them
Hope that everything is going well with the new version so you can see the other soon
yes, you can think d. okay that sounds great
I'm glad to hear
wow !!! Is it true???
Do you invite me because I have the honor to test the mood?
or do I dream ??? Thank you very much!
I miss words;)
I'm so happy
My modding dream has finally become true
and that's because of you
& TML studios
yes of course I have to try it now
for can not wait it
It will be a great honor to test it
If you like, please feel free to email me at
A short question only
Is it difficult to install it? Can I use it in the new beta update that was made yesterday? (in beta) or should I use it normally? let me know
Have a good evening & night & have a nice day tomorrow! wish you all the best! Because I believe in you! You all do a great job keep going! I know that the modding tools will be a success! so Keep going!
Have fun with all of you so I hope we'll be heard! from /the one and only DJ R.S of sweden-2017- (Robert Sjöstrand-2017- )
Posts by djrs2016ofsweden
We are closing this forum
In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here:
Good day TML @ When are we going to see the lovely Modding Tools
??? icant wait to use it!
corse i waited a loong time for this! And i know its good!
if i can i will build my hometown malmö in sweden!Have a nice day and week to all of you! And keep it up! full power!
take care! /DJ R.S -2017-
Good evning! TML! i only have a few questions (sorry for my bad english) Is the new beta update that you have relese today is the modding tools included? or when do i see it? any update on it? when are you going to relesse it? i still cant wait for it! i love the modding tools video on the tml-youtube channel!
love it!
pliz give me an update! /Have a great eavning! /DJ R.S -2017-
Good afternoon to all of you! Hope you all have a great New Year 2017! and hope you all are doing well! I have not forgotten you, you shall know;)
Right now I'm among them the top 200 players on the FCS
So forget you I have not done!
Thank you so much because you created the Skyliner! It is fantastic to drive!&i love it!
Now I'm just waiting on one more thing and that is ...... The much awaited Map Editor to fernbus
Do you have any new news about it ??? Or Have you a date when we can see it? When can we see the mapedtor for FCS? Have a great day all of you &TML! Lots of love from / DJ R S of Sweden! -2017-
Goodmorrning To all of you & TML!
I just want to say Thank you !for the new update
( Update 1.7.10692)
and steam workshop ! ilove it! And all the other new stuff in the new update! keep it going!But.... There is a bug in the game :The long trucks are jumping up and down on the road! so you have to drive fast by them or slo to avoid them! Hope this can be fixed soon! (but it cool anyway) or in the next update! Els i love the game! And i cant wait for more mods and the editor! And more DEV D!
(sorry for my bad english) Thanks for a super good job!
Have a great night and weekend! And i hope to here from you soon! wish you all the best! /aka DJ R.S -2016- (Robert.Sjöstrand in sweden -2016-)
Good afternoon tml studio and all board members !!! Hope you all have a good and nice 1-Advent -2016-
I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the nice feedback I get from
all of you .Det is a great honor to be a member here with you in this forum
know tml studios are working day and night to make the simulator hands
ennu better and they do a great job! for with the order without aerosoft, TML
Studios and Fernbus / flixbus there would have been no bus simulator
Nor. So it is those who we have and thank you for that! I
have seen big changes in my computer with the latest updates in fernbus
simulator before so I always came late, I do not anymore, thanks to TML
Studios fernbus updateWhen I'm talking about the map editor, so it
is not to squeeze TML without it
is because I know it can change the lives of all of us in a good way
This is why I believe in it .I have worked with Radio and media so I
know what I'm talking about;)for together we are strong! and can create more good things!
Warmth and love to all of you from me! And have a good and nice Advent evning everyone! p.S I look forward to the next update and dev diary! Take care! Lots of love you all of you! /Robert.S
Goodmorning TML! And Happy birthday to the one year TML forum! -2016-
Hope you all like my posts in the forum! Cant wait for the more new updates! And i still cant wait for the map editor! I Hope to see it soon in the simulator! And keep doing a great job all of you! Hope you all have a great&wonderful -1-Advent -2016- Day and night! / Best wisches to all of you at TML /Robert .S in Sweden AKA DJ R.S -2016- -
Good evening Chris! @UndergroundBerlin and tml! I hope you have a good day! Have a short question
an update on the level editor? any arrival time for that? Hope you have a good next month! i love your game! and your DEV Diary!icant wait for the
level editor /Map editor!
and the next bus sim
Have a great night and sleep well! best wishes to all of you! And good luck with all your games!Keep doing a great job!
from /Robert .S in Sweden aka. DJ R.S -2016-
Good evening TML! Thanks so much for a wonderful game that you created! I love it! but it is missing some things for it to be able to become ennu better (I know you are working full steam so do not want to rush you) But what I would like is a 1. a map creatordo you have any arrival time for one of those? Maybe I can try to build my city Malmo in Sweden then who knows;)2nd A digital arrival timetables at bus stops (so you can see exsakt how many minutes the bus to come)3. extreme weather (so that you can change and view so you can see how much rain and snow that falls on the road) and maybe snow that builds up so that it becomes more difficult to drive then)4. And if you want rain + snow + ice + storm + fog + thunder (all in one weather) It had been more challenging (I think), or what do you think?5. are there any drivers for my Ferarri Trust MasterCard steering wheel as you have?sorry for my bad EnglishThanks so much! for the amazing work you have done! & make! Hope to hear from you all! many hugs from /Robert.S