Was just reading it!
Posts by ben.m
We are closing this forum
In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here: https://discord.com/servers/tml-studios-224563159631921152
It will be a part of the Aerosoft NextSim livestream today at 12:00 CEST. The stream will be in German, but English subtitles will come over time. But the footage should be worth the watch, even if you can understand the speech first time around.
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I'm pretty sure it will be apart of the Aerosoft NextSim stream
Exactly as DavidGamer401 said, the template hasn't changed and the one here on the downloads section of the forum is the right one.
What makes you think it isn't? Are you having issues with it?
Download works fine for me, and there shouldn't be an issue with it not working.
Except, if you have opted to beta but not updated to latest version. There was an issue in a previous beta where repaints were loading black.
If you are up to date, every should be working fine, unless you have made a mistake with your saving or editing of the CFG and repaintinfo, which I cannot know if that is the issues without seeing your work.
And we've also got the Steam page ready for you:
External Content store.steampowered.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.On the steam page it says: "All three variants included: Lion's Coach, Lion's Coach C (two-axle), Lion's Coach C (three-axle) and Lion's Coach L"
Are you counting the 2/3 axel LCC's as one varient? Or should it say four?
Will this be on Friday when the new DLC comes out? And will the new DLC be included in the Sale?
Kind Regards.DLC is released on 28th. Sale is 25-27th so the sale ends just before release
Indeed, happy birthday Fernbus and congratulations to Team TML! Here's to the next four years!
Gute Arbeit!
Who knows what the future will bring
Hehe!!! Exciting times!!!
Well, it's a bit quick but I see 'The Bus' :p
Wow! They look great!
Yes @Denis_W in reality, once you return the wheel turn the wheel back to neutral, the indicator switches it self off. However, on wider turns it sometimes doesn't turn far enough to automatically switch off, therefore the driver has to turn it off manually
Good idea!
You won't see a Flixbus skin for W906 or BB40 due to licensing with Flixbus.
The Flixbus fleet does not contain BB40, W906 or Intercities. Therefore TML are not able to use the in game
I was on the main TML webpage and press on 'Read more' in the area about The Bus.
Scrolling down I noticed a typo.
This should say 'new cities'
Only if you load in with English selected as language
You can only use English and German because that is all that support can be given in from TML.
Additionally when asking community questions, it is easier for you to translate your own text, rather than everyone having to translate to read it.
Therefore, use English or German. Please