Anyone here planning as well to become a bus driver?

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  • Hi, a lot of reasons can be, why people play games, and there's mine:

    I'm dreaming about driving a coach from my early childhood, like - 7 years, and dreaming till now, I'm currently 19, almost 20 y/o and studying computer networking. I had to choose what thing I want to learn, so I choosed networking, and I like networking, but honestly, feeling inside like, that thing, isn't for me, I'm still seeing myself as a bus driver.

    So my plans for the near future are to, end school, go to the army as a volunteer, after a year, when I'm back from it, going to get my driving license for a bus and start working? Seeking my dreams?

    What about you people, are you just playing it for fun? Or are you planning to link your future with this thing?

    I'm totally honest, sometimes, I feel weird, cause my dream job doesn't require any high degree, it is, just what it is, I love this, and can't change my mind already from childhood, and if honestly, I don't want to.

    Share your view people, I'm interested to hear everyone of you here.

  • that what i wanna do bus driver :p

  • Hi Freeman :)

    Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a bus driver. Even when I was very little, I stood next to the driver's seat and watched him drive. I really like buses and trolleybuses. I'm a huge bus fan :love:

    A lot of time has passed since childhood, but I still have a love for buses. I really like buses 8|

    I enjoy spending time in bus simulators. It is thanks to bus simulators on PC that I fulfill my early childhood dream at any time.

    The real job of a bus driver is very difficult. In the simulator, we can get into an accident, fix the bus and go again. In life, this is primarily a great responsibility! And she lies down on the bus driver. In reality, it will no longer be possible to load the game again in case of an unforeseen situation.

    But at the same time, this is the most awesome profession for me. In my life I have chosen a different profession, but I continue to dream of driving a real bus.

    Currently, I have a dream - I want to drive at least 500 meters in my favorite MB O405 (N) or MAN bus sometime in the future 8|:love:

    But with every year, alas, the dream becomes less realizable, as these buses are gradually becoming a thing of the past X/;(

    This is my life story. If you have a desire, pursuit of your dream and, most importantly, love for buses <3 - go for it! Those who do not take risks do not drink champagne 8o Perhaps you will become a real bus driver and share your impressions with us on this forum.

    Best wishes, Denis :)

  • I was a bus driver for 13 years, then occasionally I was driving truck. Now I just hope to get a new job, preferably as a driver.

    And what's your experience in these jobs? Do you have any nice stories to tell from your past experience? I wish you luck, finding new job!

    Hi Denis, I love that we have same ideologies, and yeah, that part about driving bus in real life, and driving bus in game is way different, but at same point, you can try to play as much realisticly as you can, my road to an coach wheel will be long, planning to firstly gain experience in delivery services, delivering small packages to people (courier), then move upwards and towards to busses. :)

  • Freeman

    As a bus driver I drove express route between Pori and Helsinki here in Finland and sometimes other lines too. 7 years i worked in night shift.

    As a truck driver I have much less experience. Once I drove bakery products (mostly breads) to the local stores. Another job I had gravel in a trailer.

    Not much stories to tell.