PigeonBB Ofcourse you can ride on another player's bus in multiplayer.
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@Denis_W Steam achievement is planned , but we can't sure whether it will be available in phrase one at the moment, we're concentrating on the basic game development.
Hi friend
Could you please create a ticket in our support center for any technical issue? Our crews will help you there, so you don't need to create a new thread here
Link here: https://www.tml-studios.de/forum/support/
Beside, I suggest to write in English in order to let others understand you better, rather than using Google translate.
I'm closing up this thread
Hi @Denis_W, you need to go to the repaint workshop for changing the parts.
semihkale4200 That's a known issue, we're figuring out what cause that problem and try to fix it asap.
Check out those videos for some scenes that haven't been showcased in yesterday stream.
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Scooby Could you try to reset the control keys to default and see how it works?
Ryan [TML-Online Team] Yep, as the description said,price will increase while updating, so be quick, you guys can pay the lowest price at the first EA phrase.
Hari13 You mean some boxes in the cab? They should be originally white.
The cub and the new update is just a appetizers, you can guess how the main dish comes one hour later.
The new cub is out. Just get the repaint template and unleash your creativity.
Heres my work
Yeah, we'll correct it asap, thanks for reminding.
FYI: The new Lion's Coach is exactly a small try of the customization function. If you guys like it, we'll dig deeper into this aspect.
And here's some impressive little details of the vehicle.
Regarding the sound, yeah everybody know we all stuck in the epidemic since the beginning of this year, and we couldn't get appointment with the local bus owners for outdoor recording. Beside, both the new and old coach we build are all based on the basic configuration provided by MAN, which is the D26 and TipMatic 12 speed AMT gearbox. But surely, we're still trying working on the new sound.
Double deckers planned for the future, stay turned.
Get some peak view into the new features.
They're both the same vehicle actually.
I think it is no need to provide this feature. Since people are all using their own music stream player like AppleMusic or Spotify etc, these music player can run in the background and could be easily controlled by hotkeys. meanwhile, those MP provides a more powerful coding system which must be better than an integrated music player.
Steinhuder Meer is a place that already in the game.