Aha, Radio NRJ und im weg
Posts by Zerden
We are closing this forum
In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here: https://discord.com/servers/tml-studios-224563159631921152
@MarkxX1999Xx aha,genau
why the silence on the forum ? waiting for global update?
Hello Tml St. In the rain at high speed in transit in the bus Man Lion rain dripping into the cabin
or is it just me such a problem ?
P.S. screenshots can't do
Hi Tml St. When will we see the developer diary #18 ?
@Timo hello , make the fine for running a red light ! without punishment it is not real
the dirt on the glass is beautiful , and need all the dirt on the bus , then car wash
@Marcin26677 no need to argue mit Tml
das ist Eskalation
happy Easter to all
With the new update will be fixed , we just have to wait
Hello @mk0 and radio will work in the cockpit ?
Yes , optimization has become even worse
Hello @SocialOfficer Tell me please , will be introduced fines for violation of traffic rules in the city ? running a red light and etc ?
das ist gute Nachricht für TML
in den April schicken
the road is closed
thanks for the reply Chris
Hi tml! In the future will be the Luggage of passengers with bicycles?
I am also glad that I bought this bus simulator , beautiful graphics . Euro truck simulator has already become old , I think that this project FernBus will be the best , and in the future to win many awards in his field
information or what not, the winner too no
@Marcin26677 there is no possibility today to be on steam , I didn't win anything