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    Hello, many people write about the translation of the game, maybe Chris TML STUDIO answer all questions because they write colleagues from different countries, they offer a lot of languages. What about the Polish translation of the game?

    That's why I say this to the company to Chris early developing this important issue, because I know what they want players of this game and what is the great expectation to the game was the best. These are very important issues and better speak openly straight in the eye without injury .Me suggestions to Chris are most cultural self-respecting company. bad friend took my words I see strange somehow. Regards Chris :) Marcin Poland
    The thing applies to something else God will be the development of this I said a long time ago. I suggest that in the game was the ability to ride the bus without locking the game, I think that what is presented is understandable...

    The idea of a very good LUSNAVIO, but first you have to give the game to ride without doing blocking game in career mode just because it's a mistake. Option driving without locking the game every city, vehicles, etc., must also be applied what I suggest for a long time .It will be good for all professional and amateur players. True driver gets on the bus and going, there is no lock, so please and be in the game to make such an option Chris and TML STUDIO. And then the idea of a colleague LUSNAVIO make because it has a role other matter. The priority is what I say to satisfy players of the world.

    Chris, remember to respect the players, professional and amateur, let each player has the opportunity to drive to have a full choice of everything in the game from the beginning of the ride, not just career and lock. Only the concept of the game is popular, sold and everyone will have a chance to ride like in real life coach. Bus Simulator is not playing CS to block something in the game. It has to be riding for the pleasure of the vehicle according to the road is a priority good simulator. If so you do as I say it will reach the mass of players after the game and will be satisfied. People really do not like the blocking game simulators. Please answer as I say in the game and it is the opinion of environment for drivers and players who know the real driving and simulation. I'm waiting for an answer, Chris, greet

    I would add that every game simulation must meet what is really going on traveling vehicles, bus, subway, train, remember Chris to play a ride by the traffic rules, without unnecessary lock-type games new something real driver never unlocks thee the nothing gets and going in a matter of driving. you have to give a chance to ride in any mode without blocking any game I expect it's all players TML STUDIO.Ready maps of Germany, can be used for precisely the type of games. Subway, trains, buses, taxis, trucks, transport, etc.

    I see that a lot of people turn to the translation, this means that many countries are interested in this game, and that was in their language. In the video beta I see Russian subtitles in the game Chris, that is, unless they are already so? If so, I propose to add language to the release of the game, Polish, Hungarian, French, German, English, Bulgarian, Danish, can be even more. What do you think of Chris. Regards.

    Hello colleagues, very well mapped according realistyki scenery, winter looks nice, and without snow, the road itself. Other facilities also Chris movie the day you have announced that we viewed ourselves as it looks in the day :) Regards

    MAINLINE421 - Fernbus coach simulator will be much more interesting game, prettier and more realistic from ETS 2 and ATS. It will be the best simulator in the world bus, which was released.

    I spoke with Chris and I will be translated into Polish game pal BULLROT , It is agreed with the manufacturer. That's why you are writing about the same matter BULLROT, I do not understand. BULLROT Alternatively, you can hire to help the two will be accurate and faster and reliable. It must be very carefully each name from English to Polish translated. BULLROT
    leave your e mail, if Chris would agree on the translation together me and you, and you will join the team. This will contact you BULLROT. I'm in a team of translators . Thank you Martin Poland

    More traffic bus, expansion dworcy, more passengers, manual transmission indicated, smooth movement of people boarding the autubsu, drop-off. This is useful in the game. The manufacturer guarantees that they will update work on the game and the DLC additions bus new vehicles, etc.And so it is already good, and congratulations for TML STUDIO for such a project simulator bus. I can not wait to ride MAN launch of the game :)

    I submit fancy voluntarily, subtitles to translate the game into Polish the entire menu and interface. I determined the case already with Chris, if necessary handed mail. Thank you Marcin Poland

    I've already talked about it with Chris, COOPER'S FREIGHTMASTE, I gave my mail. How do they want the game to do subtitles in the game after the Polish, then Chris TML STUDIO me report. I am in contact with him. SOCIALOFFICER if I have this page that you gave to report? Because I already have established with Chris matter of translation.

    After the game, it is possible that the game will have a Polish language and also other subtitles in the game interface, I talked about it with Chris is my concept. The game will not 25, a few days after because transport plates unless the distributor will be.

    Thank you Chris for such a position. :) Already we enjoy in Poland, waiting for the 25 .08.2016. to hit the road. In my opinion, this simulator will be the best in the world, your support all the time for games, DLC, update, new vehicles, the errors in the game is great decision of yours, Chris. Congratulations Marcin Poland. :)

    Please take into account the Polish language in the game. The game may be the best in the world, Chris. Poles order the game now Fernbus coach simulator, waiting for the bus ride beautiful. Chris, translation from English to Polish the game. I can provide free of charge for the good of the game and players from Polish. If you wish to email Chris I give

    Regards Martin :)

    Hi Chris, I'm new to the forum, Marcin Poland. It has long been watching Fernbus coach simulator, I am a great project, already ordered a version of the DVD BOX. Whether the game will have Polish language in the future, Chris. Yours look forward to the game good luck and congratulations to Chris for such production. Marcin Poland