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    purchased for 1080 new content and it is not visible on the map. all as was and remained. but other write that can be seen and the update is gorgeous. what is the reason?

    good evening dear developers and technical support. within 2 days I play in a game that weighs more than a bus simulator, load the game and was well not kicked out of the game. and the bus is generally not possible to go, even though he weighs 5.96 gigobayt, and that the game is almost 21 ГБ. maybe the reason is Unreal Engine that is not suitable for bus games. and because of this, it is not possible to go into the game and yell нормально? although wise game listed other media and weigh as I wrote a lot more. my iron game were drawn without any crashes and подтормаживания. as I wrote earlier in tech support so I switched on the iron more powerful. why would I enati iron if it pulls the game which is much heavier than yours. although I have invested money with great pleasure wanting to play in the future without any problems. but with the latest update I have been almost 5 weeks can not go into the game. but only fall in the rankings. I have a proposal for you to test the game how it's done in all games so you can play and more with low iron. find in the Steam community, many complain that the game is constantly began to fly, and to RUB the graphics. but your support does not go into the Steam community