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    Actually this is what happens to me, when I open the game and enter the name, I get to the garage selection, and when I select a garage to continue, it closes me and gives me this error below.

    Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW







    I currently have as hardware.

    • CPU: Ryzen 5 3600
    • MB: B450 Aorus M
    • RAM: D60G Spectrix XPG 8GB x2
    • GPU: RX 6600 Sapphire Pulse. 8GB VRAM
    • 1 HD-SSD 1TB
    • 1 SSD M.2 120GB (Only OS Windows 10)
    • 2 HDD 1TB x2

    I need everyone's help to solve the problem.

    Thanks and good day.

    I have the same problem.

    I sent a ticket and it's just waiting for the support person to respond.

    I currently have as hardware.

    • CPU: Ryzen 3600
    • MB: B450 Aorus M
    • RAM: D60G Spectrix XPG
    • GPU: RX 6600 Sapphire Pulse.
    • 1 HD-SSD
    • 1 SSD M.2
    • 2 HDD