Treff Hotel Shuttle Bus 1.0.0

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Treff Hotel Panorama now FINALLY has it's own coach for it's guests and have put YOU in charge!

he TREFF Hotel has acquired a brand new MAN Lions Coach to offer a shuttle service for it's guests to the nearby town of Oberhof and have asked you to be the official driver due to your excellent reputation, the hotel management is also studying the idea of offering day trips to nearby German cities and needs your help to trial this.

Finally we have been informed that there will be regular flights arriving at Frankfurt Airport with hotel guests, make sure you go and pick them up once they land and bring them back to the hotel for their stay, you will also need to take them back to the airport for their flight home.

We are counting on you to offer a reliable service for the hotel guests and, if it is successful we shall look at getting more buses for the fleet.

Let me know if you enjoy it!

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