Posts by lusnavio

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In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here:

    The idea has nothing to do with the TruckersMP.
    TruckersMP is the group responsible for the online mode ETS2, has nothing to do with the MyVTC as in the case of ETS2 in MyVTC can register charges made offline or online is indifferent, do not confuse the TruckersMP things is a MyVTC thing is another completely different.
    For those who would like to see the online Fernbus this case @UndergroundBerlin and @Chris agree, since the Fernbus team has other important priorities to develop for the game to reach the point of thinking in online mode, you can always try to look at those responsible for the TruckersMP they are available for desemvolver online mode for Fernbus as they did with ETS2, as everyone should know onlline mode ETS2 not belongs to the SCS Software. A group of friends is that remembered to create to make it more attractive game, which took the game to be one of the online driving simulation games most played in the world.

    Now I am returning to my theme "Virtual Enterprises" of long-distance transport of passengers. Tell me what you would bring this good for the game? I'll leave some points that could check:
    1- Each company would have a last name since the company we work for is Flixbus, ie each company was as if he were providing services to the Flixbus as an example as I am Portuguese my company could call PortugalBus.
    2-Following the example of me being the boss of PortugalBus have the initial function to see inside all players registered on the site to see which belong to the interested in my company.
    3- To my companies would have a ceiling of officials to encourage the creation of more businesses.
    4- members who were employees of a company could not be boss in another.
    5- The bosses as well as employees could put my trip logs.
    6-The employer would also have the responsibility to verify and validate the records of employees.
    7. Is there a daily limit of travel records as to simulate a tachograph, that is, the total daily records could not spend 13 hours daily driving.
    They are just ideas that can be changed.

    Again ask :-), which could be seen on the site?
    I'll leave here a few more points hit my idea.
    -Poderiamos See how many kilometers have any business both collective level and individual level
    How many passengers transported
    -Cumprimento Rules of transit
    If passengers enjoyed the trip
    I could give many examples but I'm not certain what the information at the end of trip report, but the idea is to create a ranking at various levels within the company and another between companies registered so that every month we see that the top 10 companies to travel.

    Luís Navio

    Good evening,
    @UndergroundBerlin  @Chris Wanted to leave an idea that came to me this week.
    I've noticed that many people have made many comparisons between Fernbus and Euro Truck 2, well I do not come to compare, but talking about a site that used when belonged to a virtual company trucks together with some friends. This site was called Myvtc the Myvtc was a site where we made the record of our virtual company and then contratávamos friends as employees and employees used the site to register the travel and deliveries made. The register contained day and time of the trip, we were carrying, weight, place of departure and arrival and we had to upload an image to the report of the trip as proof and then submetiamos for approval.

    What I suggested is that were created something similar to what a person could have a virtual bus company which established routes for each employee and then the officials had to send a test as did those services. At the end of the month through the records sent by the heads of the companies would create a table with the top 10 best companies to travel :-).

    What do you think of the idea?

    I apologize for my English, if you want to explain even better idea just say.

    Luis Navio

    Good evening
    @Chris I ordered my game at Aerosoft, you do not know to say if the game will come out of their warehouses on 08/25/2016, or will send a few days before so the game come to Portugal to 25/08/2016 ?

    Luís Navio

    Good afternoon to all fans of fernbus in these last days I have observed that all people especially members accompanying the fernbus will less time has made many demands.
    Let's take it easy friends believe @UndergroundBerlin and all other team has done the best they can to bring us the best bus game made to date. I myself have also made some comments such as that of the passengers after the check in disappear or because the buses only have automatic transmission, but then I thought to build a game from scratch is not easy, because it has the modeling, scripts, sounds, etc.
    If it were easy we all did our own games, I know we're all anxious because it lacks a month for the release of the game and we all want to have everything in the game but this may not be possible so I ask everyone to waiting patiently for launch and leave the @UndergroundBerlin and the rest of the team dealing with the final details and the latest filing edges to start recording the game on DVD.
    I also take this text to apologize in case any comments it was a bit rude to the fernbus team

    Luís Navio

    @Chris in launching what are the available languages?
    If you allow me after the release I can help with the translation into Portuguese, would the service on a voluntary basis, without asking anything at all in return.
    I leave you my email Should you need for future contacts (

    Luís Navio

    It would just take up to much time. The game is due for release and is almost ready! We don't want to delay again for a minor feature. ;)

    Feature lower is not so, because it becomes a little strange doing the check-in of passengers and they disappear and appear in the bus I think. This happens in a game is a simulator and so have shown promises to be the best simulator bus always not have the movement of passengers and not have the animation of the bags is a little bad and sad, as other weaker simulators have it :(
    Before your will was to launch something perfect and it seems to me that with the approach of the launch date the team is demonstrating much nervousness and anxiety that is not to let them get you perfection, I again stress that the passenger movement it is an important detail.

    Luís Navio

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    Good evening,
    To see this video I found that when you check in passengers they disappeared instead of going to walk to the bus, so will or will still be fixed?
    Another question I have is whether there will be more buses running and make careers like us, ie, whether to have more buses leaving the terminal to go to other destinations and passengers will also get the other bus and we get see the other drivers to check in passengers.

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    Good afternoon,

    In this video you can see that the rain / snow is buggy because it rains inside the bus. Also you can not tell if the effect is rain or snow, because if we go to see what's falling from the sky looks like snow, but if we look at the bus drops looks like rain. They could put an effect on wet road? How has the speed windshield wipers?

    P:S They did not get me to respond in full to my previous post

    Luís Navio

    [Blocked Image:]

    Good afternoon,
    I wonder if we could move the tachograph when we took the bus in the warehouse and we will have to program the trip taking into account rest periods required by law as in real life.

    Another question: I wonder also those who have made the purchase of the pre-order will be entitled to a beta version before the official release of the game.

    I've seen all the videos and there was one thing I noticed that I wonder if will put. Will have Setra buses circling the map making travel too?
    Have city buses circulating in the big cities?

    Luís Navio

    Good afternoon,
    I have some doubts about the trips / services.
    From what I've seen in the videos, travel has been out from point A toward point B through motorway. In this case my doubt is the travel will always be like this? Or there will be trips that are by motorway, others through mountains and other by passing through area fields making national large. The goal will only point A to point B travel or there will also be special services, such as going to a school seeking students and get them to a certain dot on tour, or other types of services.
