Posts by MBO530
We are closing this forum
In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here:
@Denis_W You can try to drive to the east in the morning or to the west in the afternoon, you'll need the curtain down. And the new lighting system which we currently working on, might enhance such effect too.
It is caused by the old cache files in the 'Local' folder, more likely to happen after new update.
Anyway, issue forwarded, thanks for report.
@above issue reported, we'll try to fix them before the official update.
@Denis_W Actually the airport is gonna closed in the late of this year, but we don't know how Berlin will deal with the buildings after the close down, we can only sure that it won't be tear down in a short time. So as to the TXL busline, how its future goes, we don't know yet. But we can't stop the develop process and wait to see Berlin and BVG's action, so we can sure that there won't be changes at least when the game released, also you're able to change the busline in the game, whether extending it or closing it up.
Don_Castor The current plan is to keep the TXL in-game, because we set it based on the Berlin in 2016. Of course you can cut the busline TXL to Haupbahnhof by yourselves too.
sosi0089 it is on the To Do list and we're finding out what cause the problem.
You're surely getting close to it, more informations will be announced soon.
Martin 40 Bus Issues reported, we'll fix it asap.
Martin 40 Bus Please press the arrow above to change the characters, we gave them some new work cloths in compared with Flixbus Mode.
The train moved correctly for me, could you check your control keys?
Sorry to tell you that we can't support or fix that game anymore. The game engine is too old and had been closed down long time ago.
Hi earlofwindow
Double clicking 'S' would activate the emergency brake, you can check it in your control setting page.
We'll consider about this function in the future.
You can press 'Q' to zoom the map on the nav.
Martin 40 Bus Those issues had been forward, we'll try to fix it asap.
Issue above had been forwarded!
Ryan [TML-Online Team] Kadimbey Thank you two, those issue were forwarded and we'll fix them asap.
Thank you, that's a known issue, we'll try to fix it in the later beta update.
BTW, if you're having any issue concerning about the 1.25 beta, please report here, Update 25 BETA - Now Available But don't need to open a new thread.
I'm closing this thread now.
Martin 40 Bus Thanks and your issue had been forwarded.
Kadimbey Your guess is right, at some circumstances. There're some special things coming, but I can't confirm nor deny anything at the moment.
NateSakana 'X' for express service is especially for Flixbus mode. As its name 'shuttle', we just couldn't introduce the 'express' concept here.
Hi fellows
About the modding tool, we need to said times to times that we're REALLY having some technical difficulties in it, so we still have to work on it because we need it for TheBus either.
On the other hand, the footage you saw in 2018, was the very original Unreal Editor, which means the interface was not optimized. Also we need to develop some easy tools for you to use, so you could enjoy the map building but not facing a hardcore Unreal Editor. Anyway, we need to make it user friendly to non-trained Unreal developers, that's the real time consuming problem.
Hamshentsi Thanks, we'll take a look into it.