Quarney Long-Distance Coach Driver

  • from Erfurt
  • Member since Sep 2nd 2019
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In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here: https://discord.com/servers/tml-studios-224563159631921152

  • Bug : Fernbus

    Coach driver driving the coach without holding steering wheel, how bad it looks!!! Also the steering wheel turns but the driver hand would be constant without any movement during a turn been made.


    Why most of the times (8/10) , not maintained work time, what is this exactly. Could some one please explain how it works ??????

    Driven 14 kms and received 200XP, Driven 1500 kms and received 1100XP. Proper per km wise calibration missing to judge the XP per kms driven. There should be a point measure for particular kms driven (10XP per 100kms would be an example). Suggestion to TML Frenbus team.

    • This Board is not a bug reporting tool, please do not misuse it. Please stop spamming this pinboard.

      There won't come hands on the steering wheel and we won't redo the point allocation as well. Those are personal preferences which we can't take into account in general.

    • Thanks for your response.

      Its not a personal choice, please do check how the actual coach looks like without a driver holding a steering wheel and driving it and also that remains static.

      Apologies for adding that issue message here !

      Note : There are many things that seem impossible only so long as one does not attempt them.

  • Hi TML & Team,

    SO many bugs, improvements being added in steam none taken care of, We are following this game since it was launched.

    Apart from new DLC created and few change logs to improve the game is only taken care.

    Its being nearly 5 years since the game launched. No significant improvements yet. Bugs and improvements being repeatedly reported but not taken care.

    1.When can we expect game lag improvements (even in a better required requirement PC unable to run game without lags).

    2.No Manual transmission introduced to coaches.

    3.Graphics seems to be very poor sometimes in some places.

    4.Fewer coaches introduced to game (We would expect all coaches to be added to game which are running in Europe roads at-least), few coach details are not in real and there are bugs.

    5.Map developed seems unreal (so many cities are missed in the DLC as well).

    6.Coach side mirrors are of no use when night driving (nothing is visible through side mirror, until you hit a AI traffic coming behind, we get to know there was a vehicle behind me).

    7.Very less passenger transport (10-12 passengers for a trip in a 50 Seat coach is like a loss for a operating company. Thinking in mind a realistic game add at-least 25-30 passengers minimal case). - this is being ignored always if some one add this comment at TML/Steam forum.

    8.Service check points are very minimal and need to search them over maps and need to travel few hundred kilometres to have a good service for passengers, instead add more check points, service areas at every fuel station, near toll points etc.

    9.More realistic coach physics is expected.

    10.AI traffic seems to be very insensible at most of the cases, they seem to drive straight into the lane where a indication is provided but still tend to ram/hit the bus/coach, significant improvement is required on AI traffic behavior

    11.No road blocks or accidents behavior for AI, this to be added for more realism for a simulator game.

    12.Real time routes (More Flixbus routes to be added, which are missing apart from creating a custom from user end, few Flixbus routes are added part of Germany map alone.).

    13.Better graphics in night expected.

    14.Coach headlights (low & High beam are less intensive), cannot see anything clearly in dark.

    15.Passengers to align at one point instead scattered. Passengers those are required to onboard to be at particular point waiting in Q for their turn to get into bus.

    16.Passengers those are off boarded the bus seems to mix up with those passengers who are waiting for on Board the bus. (those who are off boarded there in no point foe those passengers to wait at the bus station, instead then could be disappear unless standing in Bus stop).

    These are the major ones TML have to take care of so as to improve their game and to give strong market sales for their game.

    Note: ETS2 could be considered as a Benchmark for the Bus/Coach/Truck Driving simulation games.

    Instead improving the developed games, TML is busy in developing new ones. Customer have to trust your developed games 1st to buy next.

    Please do consider these points in overall improvements of the game .

    This game has huge fan and has good scope in future for getting into TOP-1 coach/bus driving simulator game.

    Thanks & Regards,


    -> Fernbus fan/ Fernbus game user since released, India.

    -> 300+ hours gameplay

  • Hallo Quarney,

    ich habe da mal eine Frage bezüglich des Aufbaus im TheBus Forum-Teil.

    Für mich ist das irgendwie doch etwas unübersichtlich, gerade wenn es z.B. um Tipps und Tricks geht, die ich schon irgendwo in irgendwelchen Beiträgen gelesen habe.

    Nun wäre es doch gut alles was dieses Thema angeht, eine eigene Rubrik zu geben, wo wirklich nur Tipps und Tricks hineinkommen.

    Ich habe das Thema ja schon angefangen. Da kam es dann aber zu Verwirrungen mit einem englischen User.

    Ich bin mir immer noch unsicher - weiter führen? Oder Thema beenden... (was ich schade finden würde).

    Falls einer Weiterführung nichts im Wege steht, könnten ja alle Kommentare bis auf den Ersten gelöscht werden.

    Falls du für diesen Bereich nicht zuständig sein solltest, könntest du mir sagen, an wen ich mich wenden soll?

    Es geht um diesen Teil hier im Forum:

    Tipps & Tricks

    Vielleicht kann es man auch oben anpinnen, dass es für jeden leicht zu finden wäre.

    LG Sven

    • Guter Hinweis! Ich habe entsprechend neue Threads aufgemacht. Bei solchen wichtigen Themen ist es immer besser, wenn ich die Threads öffne, da ich sonst nicht entsprechend benachrichtig werden.

  • Hallo, ihr müsstet mal The Bus zur Auswahl von ,,Meine TML-Spiele hinzufügen ;)

    • Danke für den Hinweis! Wurde hinzugefügt

  • Hello @Quarney verry sorry for the horrible comment i made a few days ago :).

  • Hi TML!

    After the last update in scania buses, when I clicking with the mouse the bus dashboard not working just few buttons.

    And the bus setup missing the hostess & the kitchen configuration.

    I know its on beta version and thats is why I writing.

    And the last is a questions:

    - why you not itroduce in this game DLC the sprinter bus just only in Tourist sim.

    THX, Bye!

    • Hi! Thanks for your feedback, could you please provide it next time in the corresponding thread? Like this one: Update 25 BETA - Now Available

      Here is not the place for it.

      The W906 will come to Fernbus Simulator soon, we are preparing it with the update 25

  • Mir ist aufgefallen, dass im Template vom Neoplan Skyliner die Mod.cfg datei fehlt!

    Könnt ihr sie noch hinzufügen?

    • Klar, ist weiter geleitet. Danke für den Hinweis!

  • Good morning, TML-StudiosThe tourist bus simulator starts normal the animation of the plane landing but does not get to the menu because it crashes. Below I attach the crash report file. If you need more information please write me. Greetings, Flo

  • Hello, and please tell me why the game does not load for 8 hours. many complain and no one reagiruet.