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In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here:

    Lag wahrscheinlich daran, dass du immer einen neuen Thread geöffnet hast. Feedback, besonders konstruktives wie dein bisheriges, wird natürlich gerne gesehen. Aber bitte dafür nicht immer gleich einen neuen Thread eröffnen, weil das das Forum unübersichtlich macht. Das Feedback kannst du gerne hier anbringen: Allgemeines Feedback zum Fernbus Simulator.

    Dass die Threads kommentarlos gelöscht wurden, sollte natürlich nicht sein. Da war ein Moderator wohl etwas unvorsichtig :)

    Unfortunately development has stopped. THis is the message the Patreon Members have got:

    [ENG] Good day to you. Lead developer of UTS, TessaraOxygen, is here. As you already understood from the title, the development of UTS has been stopped indefinitely. I must add that the development does not stop completely. Part of our team will still continue to work on 3D models and other content, but, unfortunately, the software part will stand still. This is the main idea of this post, but for those who want to know the details, I will tell a little more about the current situation with the project and my life situation in particular.

    I was born in a relatively small town, a hundred kilometers from the capital. An unremarkable little town of two hundred thousand people. Here I went to kindergarten, and then to school, where I began to get involved in the topic of public transport. After school, there was a university where I decided to develop my passion and make it part of something bigger. Experienced patrons probably remember posts about scientific exhibitions and presentations in which the trolleybus simulator was directly involved. At the same time, I met cool guys who offered me help and invited me to their team to work together on an updated version of my project - Urban Transport Simulator. A month ago, on February 23, 2022, I, as usual, fell asleep at home, only to wake up the next day and go back to my computer to continue working on UTS. But I woke up in a war.

    Today is March 24, the twenty-ninth day of the war. The whole city hides in bomb shelters 10 times a day, sometimes more. Many of them even sleep in basements. I never would have thought that I would wake up in the middle of the night because the walls would shake - a rocket hit a high school building five hundred meters from my house. I'm not complaining - I'm on the very back and help as best I can. In many cities of Ukraine the situation is now much worse. One of my friends, for example, has not been contacted by her mother for more than two weeks. Friends of other people I know were shot from a tank while they were carrying food to an animal shelter. I am not writing this to make you cry, get upset, or even worry about me. I am writing this so that you understand that this is possible in the 21st century in a civilized society. People are dying. Children and women are dying.

    I do not want to call on the citizen of the Russian Federation to go to rallies or protest against the authorities. I just want you to know the truth. I want you to know that it was Russia that arrogantly and vilely came to our home and, based on made-up reasons, started shooting at civilians, civilian buildings and nuclear power plants. Russian troops do not restore peace in Ukraine, they came here to spread evil and destruction.

    We are all scared. But we will withstand and live even better, I believe in it. We all believe in it. We believe that the invaders will be destroyed, the perpetrators will be punished, and we will continue to live our lives, as it was before. Walking in the park, riding around the night city, eating ice cream on the beach near the river. And someone will continue to develop a project of a lifetime 😊

    I know with pause

    but I would like us to display for those who want on the dashboard instead of clicking on pause all 100 meters;)

    I think in real life the next few stops are displayed on the Atron (the board computer). TML has said that they managed to get the licence from Atron to replicate their system and UI in the game (current one is just a placeholder), so your wish most likely.will be implemented that way :)

    with my G920 when I break it automatically changes the bus gear to reverse and starts reversing using the break pedal and when i accelerate it automatically changes the gears to Drive and starts driving I have no control over the gears even though i assigned buttons on my Logitech G920 to them. i dont like the fact i have to use my break pedal to reverse even though i never assigned it to that this is only with the double decker bus the other single decker bus is completely unplayable when i let go of the break pedal it starts moving without even accelerating the accelerator pedal doesnt even work. This has happened ever since you guys added that new setting panel ( I even tried to change these settings in the old panel and it doesnt make a difference). Also its not only me who is having this problem the discussions page on steam also shows a few people with this problem.

    Check if you are in Arcade mode. This shouldn't happen in realistic mode.

    An diejenigen denen das neue Optionsmenü nicht gefällt: Wo genau seht ihr Verbesserungspotential? Gerne ein wenig spezifischer, damit die Devs konkrete Kritik haben und entsprechende Verbesserungen machen können;)

    Ich persönlich finde, dass das neue Menü um einiges übersichtlicher ist und endlich auch zeitgemäss aussieht:thumbup: Besonders das neue Design des Menüs für die Tastenbelegung ist ein massives Upgrade.

    Jedoch ist das Erscheinungsbild durch den Hintergrund (Gelb-Schwarze Linien hinter Text) ein wenig "unruhig", wodurch alles irgendwie komplizierter aussieht als es tatsächlich ist. Man könnte bei jenem Hintergrund ev. die Saturation runterstellen oder leicht verschwommen machen, damit er weniger dominant ist.

    Imo Bus Sim 21 serves another player base. It's for people who just want to drive busses, have an easy to understand fun economy system and some story parts.

    Meanwhile The Bus wants to serve the people who want a simulation of all bus systems, realism, 1:1 maps, etc... (kinda the OMSI community).

    I like to say that Bus Simulator 21 is a bus GAME, while The Bus is a Bus SIMULATOR:)

    Hier die POIs von Antwerpen :)

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    Antwerp Showcase:)

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    Ein experimentelles Video welches zeigt wie The Bus mal in Zukunft tönen könnte:)

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    What if THe Bus had real life sounds? Here's an experiment:)

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    Sightseeing in Charleroi, Belgium:)

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    Sightseeing in Chareloi im neuen Belgien DLC:)

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    Ach so schlimm ist der Paluten doch gar nicht. Hab mal kurz reingeschaut und habe ehrlich gesagt Schlimmeres erwartet. Er bedient nunmal eine komplett andere Zielgruppe als uns Simulations Liebhaber. Seine Videos sprechen jetzt auch mich nicht an, da ich Simulatoren gerne "richtig" spiele, aber wenn er und seine Zuschauer mit dem "GTA-Spielstyle" Spass haben, dann seis drum, warum nicht. Hauptsache es gibt Publicity fürs Spiel? Gronkh machte damals was ähnliches mit dem FBS, und ihn würde ich jetzt auch nicht als Symbol für die degenerierte Generation ansehen.

    Ich habe eher ein Problem mit unfairen Tests, die ein Spiel einfach aus Prinzip schlecht reden (z.B. Weil es ein Simulator ist). Siehe beispielsweise das "Was ist... Der Fernbus Simulator?" Video von GameStar.

    Bleibt es dabei, dass es keinen festen Fahrplan geben wird, also nach bestimmten Zeiten fahren?

    Feste Fahrpläne gibt es jetzt schon. Die Fahrpläne kannst du sogar selber zusammenstellen wenn du willst. Die Soll-Abfahrts und Ankunftszeiten werden dann auch auf dem ATRON im Bus angezeigt