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    Just did this and it seems to have fixed the problem! I can now sit in the driver's seat , start the engine and it's smooth as butter.

    Don't have time to drive around but I will later. Thanks!

    There was one day that i lost the hope on the game, but with this update, at least part of my wishes come true, and the game is loading A LOT faster, in both the first instance and to the game world itself.
    It is now a lot easier on the graphics and processor, meaning, it is running at both high graphics and fps with no major slowdown.
    There is only one problem until now: when i start the bus electrics, the game goes 1fps and does not change, until i shut off the bus again.

    I'm having the same issue!

    While walking to enter the bus, everything is fine as far as FPS. But once I sit down and attempt to view the front signage on the bus or start the engine, the game lags so much it takes about 5 seconds before my mouse input affects the game on screen. It's unplayable.

    This is disappointing as I just purchased this game on Steam. I'm brand new to Fernbus and I hope to be able to play it soon....