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    hello, I found out how to display the mouse on the screen to turn on the air conditioning

    just delete the profile and create a new profile

    and then right click

    I am forced to delete to create a new profile. so that it can work the right click

    it did that to me 3 months ago for a bug

    I was bliger of deleting all the profiles.

    I do not know if there is only me who must delete the profiles where it happens to other people

    Maybe it's different when you play with a steering wheel or instead with keyboard and mouse.

    on the scania, no problem.

    on the man when I look at all 4 parts of the dashboard, I can see the arrow of the mouse

    I do not see why tml makes us complicate the task, we spank a left click a right click just to leave the air conditioning

    in any case at home it does not work and I do not see the arrow

    I made a short video for you. First turn on the power of the bus, then put the camera on the air conditioner.

    Then press once with the right mouse button to activate the mode of using the mouse and while holding the left mouse button rotate the toggle switches

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    thank you but I did the ones you told me, it doesn't work for me

    maybe it's due to my processor

    otherwise, I would fall, I would press the key on the keyboard to activate the air conditioning

    I think in real life the next few stops are displayed on the Atron (the board computer). TML has said that they managed to get the licence from Atron to replicate their system and UI in the game (current one is just a placeholder), so your wish most likely.will be implemented that way :)

    Thank you in advance for your answer

    I will wait, to see how they will set up

    Unfortunately it's not possible for any new updates for the Tourist Bus Simulator until the console port is completed.

    hello, thank you for clarifying that you will not be updating the game.

    but on the other hand, I told you about a bug that shouldn't be there

    it is probably at the end of the update in 2019 which caused a bug in the km of the bus maintenance interfaces.

    I find a little shameful on the part of tml who do not want to repair this bug which is important for the game

    because this bug shouldn't be there

    I know you have the bus etc.

    but think of those who have saved for 3 years to buy a game

    and that they see that there is a full minor bug that shouldn't be there

    moi prso, it's been 1 year since I played this bug and it's been 3 years since I saved to buy your game.

    think of us

    I will wait 3 years to play your game

    if I had known I wouldn't have bought the game at the time

    Personally, I don't blame you, but I'm not happy after you

    That user got a ban last year😂

    he told me that

    after I stop with the messages

    I just pass the message and there I stop

    JohannesKrause2003 He is from Fernbus start, TML STUDIO helps a lot, he plays and records movies all the time, he was wrongly blocked on the forum. Should be on the TML forum

    the correct content is

    hello yes i know they banned he told me that JohannesKrause2003 He is from Fernbus start, TML STUDIO helps a lot, he plays and records movies all the time he was wrongly blocked on the forum. Should be on the TML forum.


    Thanks for the reply!

    I’ll keep an eye out for future updates, good luck with everything!

    Very excited for this to make it to PS5, never thought it would happen so is a dream come true for me to be able to play Tourist Bus on there!

    Hello Gamer123 a friend from Poland shows you tourist bus simulator movies. it's his channel Martin40Bus

    me, I would like

    3 things they would be fine.

    1 / when we choose a mission on the fax machine, we should put the number of km so that we can choose the route according to the number of km and the duration.

    2 / is to put the number of km between 2 stops like fernbus and the bus

    I would like to have this on the next update.

    it is not for you bothered to code to put the number of km.

    it allows us to say. that we want to ride for 3 hours.

    and we will be able to choose a mission on the fax machine according to the duration of the journey in the game and in real time.

    hoping, to have this small system of the number of km on the next update + my 2 bugs that I put in support

    hellon Ryan [TML-Online Team]

    I'm not kidding at all it's just I'm a teasing guy, who has ideas, but like every idea, it's not possible.

    hence my last sentence

    I anticipate the answers;)

    But it's not bad I always respect you;).

    so I expand on my question.

    I would like to see in the game

    1 / All the employees we have hired.

    In order to see the employee getting on the bus and then see him driving etc….

    And the mechanic employee, who repairs the buses.

    I want to see the people we hired.

    And when we hire an employee, we will see him return to the office and take the keys to drive the buses and when his journey is finished, we will see him handing the keys back to the office.

    and that's why I told you kindly "But as I know you, you will tell me that it will not be possible because of a little thing lol because it will be necessary to redo the code from a to z to set up this function. "

    2 And a little idea that would be good.

    Given that there are distributors that are not used much in a room,

    I thought we could have a coffee, coca cola, beers, orange juice etc….

    Either we can go to the store to restock to fill the dispenser and the coffeemaker for coffee in order to be in good shape for the trips;)

    Either via the pc we can order and have it delivered or we go to the store to buy.

    And so the boss and employ them can dig and take the food, in order to go a little more often in the store to buy food

    And a little idea that will be nice is to receive an alert or an SMS to say attention, there will be a shortage of food products soon.

    I think my first idea is not possible for x reason.

    But the second idea it may be possible to achieve.

    thank you

    Feel free to post your wishes regarding to Fernbus Coach Simulator straight in this thread. We'll evaluate your feedback and probably implement your wishes in the future.

    • Please consider to post discussions in English Fernbus Discussion.
    • Avoid off topic.
    • If you need help or technical assistance, make sure of using our support center.


    • Will be most likely included in green.
    • Uncertain for now in orange.
    • Rejected in red. See staff comment for more details.

    hello, I allow myself to re put the 1 st topic of 08/23/2016 and the author who had the great idea;)

    it is to put 3 different colors.

    to say the suggestions

    1 / validated (green color)

    2 / uncertain for the moment (orange color)

    3 / this is not possible (red color).

    from 6/09/2016 this option was abandoned which was very good

    to see if the ideas will be included or not in the games.

    and it would be nice if someone from the TML members can take 5 minutes to put the colors back on the ideas, to see if our ideas are pleasing or not.

    and so we can do the same for the tourist bus and the bus.

    Hello, a little idea

    it is when an employee takes the bus to make a trip.

    I would like to see it roll

    currently, it looks like employees don't exist in the map.

    I would like, well if it is possible.

    But as I know you, you will tell me that it will not be possible because of a little thing lol

    hello, here is a suggestion for parking lots which would be very good and which does not need to go to the parking lot.

    there are 3 solutions

    1 / make 2 or 3 parking lots between the stops. that looks good to me

    2 / put a parking lot at each service station.

    but which is strictly useless being given, we do not have an economic system therefore, I do not see the interest of the service stations.

    and the 3 rd solution which seems to me + where - very good.

    it is when we arrive at each stop to take new passengers.

    there, I would suggest to my passengers that they can descend to make a mistake in order to avoid looking for a parking lot that does not exist in our journey.

    I think the 3rd solution will be very good

    I made a new trip, parking lots are missing

    I have to delete the trip to make a new trip accordingly where there are parking lots.

    I'm not going to have fun taking 150,000 photos to say that 1 or 2 parking lots are missing

    for information, there is not enough parking between each city.

    in my opinion, it would be necessary to make a parking lot between each stop in order to be sure to make stops.