1. I drive a schedule, for example Livirpool St. – Baker St. I set “Baker Street” at the destination board. But at the finish of my journey the window “Debriefing” tells that “The destination display wasn't set correctly”! Why?!
2. In debriefing it’s written that the announcements were not correct. I programmed the DVA and all stations were announced correctly. Besides I pressed “2” (“Stand clear of the doors”) every time before closing the doors and at the final station I pressed “3” (“Train terminates here, all change”). What else did I have to announce?
3. I can’t understand the difference between modes “Shunt”, “Series” and “Parallel” of the TBC. They all speed up the train to 40 mph. The only thing I mentioned that “Shunt” speeds up more slowly than other two modes.