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Request template Neoplan Skyliner for Tourist Bus Simulator + Fernbus Simulator
I downloaded this file
but it does not work
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Request template Neoplan Skyliner for Tourist Bus Simulator + Fernbus Simulator
I downloaded this file
but it does not work
You can't download it or how doesn't it work?
Download works fine for me, and there shouldn't be an issue with it not working.
Except, if you have opted to beta but not updated to latest version. There was an issue in a previous beta where repaints were loading black.
If you are up to date, every should be working fine, unless you have made a mistake with your saving or editing of the CFG and repaintinfo, which I cannot know if that is the issues without seeing your work.
@DavidGamer401 I'm talking on a template is there a new version
Is there an update to the template template Neoplan Skyliner for Tourist Bus Simulator + Fernbus Simulator
@ben.m I am looking for a template compatible with a latest version
The templates are always compatible with latest versions MohSkinner
Exactly as DavidGamer401 said, the template hasn't changed and the one here on the downloads section of the forum is the right one.
What makes you think it isn't? Are you having issues with it?