Fernbus Coach Simulator: Changelogs

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    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Update 1.1.9296 - released September 2, 2016


    • Rain drops appear on the windscreen of the Lion's Coach
    • Air Condition shows the correct temperasture after loading a savegame
    • Sound of the doors is played correctly
    • Sound of rain drops on the coaches roof added
    • Announcement can now be deactivted at any time
    • Engine can no more be deactivated in Arcade-Mode


    • Passenger Voices added
    • Subtitles fixed (Font color, Order and Flickering)
    • Passengers comments appear pormptly
    • Passenger comments (too slow) albeit maintaining speed limit of 60 km/h fixed


    • Difficulty "Simple" (control mode) renamed "Arcade"
    • Control Mode Dialogue added (Arcade or Realistic)
    • Routen Editor: "Custom" renamed "Career"
    • Game Mode Dialogue added (Career or Freeplay)
    • FOV (Field of View) adjustability is reduced to inbetween 60° and 90°
    • Main Menu background music added
    • Loading Screen background image added
    • Main Menu background images added
    • Main Menu design slightly changed
    • Two coaches in Menues fixed
    • Added image for unlocked Cities in Route Editor
    • Audio volumes fixed


    • Speed limits in Navigation fixed
    • Speed limits and Distances in Freeplay disabled
    • Navigation of the following Cities have been fixed: Konstanz, Augsburg, Saarbrücken, Halle
    • Navigation starting from Depot fixed
    • Speed limits for Frankfurt Airport, Berlin ZOB, Köln ZOB, München ZOB, Hamburg ZOB, Halle ZOB fixed


    • Localisation fixed (English, German)


    • Simplification of Axis-Adjustment via presets (Standard, Standard 0-1, Inverterted, Inverterted 1-0)
    • When adding a new Axis a preview helps with Adjustments
    • Invalid (None) Inputs removed from Standard controls


    • Tooltips updated
    • Tooltip "Follow the navigation to..." will show up at Bus Stops and Offroad from now on


    • Profile Setup updated
    • Reseting a Profile will now show the Unlocks correctly


    • Driven kilometers will now show correctly


    • Some LODs (Levels of Detail) updated


    • Certain Sound volumes updated
  • Patch 1.2.9377: released on September 9, 2016


    • White placeholder cube removed
    • Headlight, fog light and long distance light optimized
    • Font size of current speed in display increased
    • Steering camera implemented. The camera turns with the steering of the coach. Strength is configureable in the game settings menu.
    • Look left/right keys turns the camera now instead of immediately switching it
    • Camera centers automatically while driving (deactivatable in game settings)
    • Raining into the back of the Lions Coach C fixed
    • Repainting functionality added to the coaches
    • Old "MeinFernbus Flixbus" design added as repaint, changable in the "Customize" menu
    • License Plate added to the coach, changable in the "Customize" menu

    Traffic AI

    • Congestion at crossroad will now be detected and resolved to avoid blocking
    • Braking behaviour updated
    • Some materials of cars were changed


    • Intro video starts immediately at game start while loading. After loading it can be skipped
    • Values in game settings menu are now displayed as 0-100 ranges instead of 0-1 ranges
    • Back functionality is now triggered by ESC key in most menus
    • Menu music starts at finishing a route now too
    • Additional information added to the navigation HUD: Current speed, current time, next stop, departure/arrival time
    • Small design improvements in main menu


    • Mouse steering added. Press center mouse button to activate
    • Preparations were added for auto configuration of input devices. Currently the database for devices is empty. Every time the inputs are applied in the menu a configuration file is written to disk. This file contains all informations for connected devices. You can find this file in "C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\Fernbus\Settings\Devices". If you want you can send us this file to update the database.


    • Reflective street signs will now be illuminated by the coach
    • Some materials fixed
    • Lighting of "Kölner Dom" fixed


    • A blendscreen was added when using timelaps or resetting the vehicle location
    • "Continue" the route is now only available when starting at the current station
    • The probability of events was increased
  • Patch 1.3.9505: released on September 20, 2016

    Input Devices

    • Basic Force Feedback support (some features will be added in the future)

    Traffic AI

    • Improved driving onto highways
    • Braking without any reason fixed
    • Flickering of braking lights while standing fixed
    • Less trucks on mid lane
    • Improved lane changing


    • Highscore/Leaderboards added to main menu
    • New HUD element: General Information shows speed, time, next stop, scheduled arrival/departure
    • Added information of saved games (only for new saved games)
    • Change weather via smartphone (cloud symbol on the top left corner)
    • Some menues adjusted for various resolutions


    • Added Slovak (not officially supported by steam. Only available ingame settings)


    • Lanterns at depots are switched off at daytime
    • Depot is more lit at nighttime
    • Spawning at certain depots which caused the Lions Coach C to get stuck is fixed
    • Improved dynamic weather
    • Offizieller Beitrag

    In this update, you will find a reconstruction of the bus stop at Frankfurt Airport, improved behavior of AI vehicles in tunnels and curves and, last but not least, an assistant for setting up your steering devices.

    Level Art

    • City construction of Kassel prepared

      20160929121141_1.jpg 20160929120905_1.jpg 20160929121241_1.jpg

    • Bus stop/s at Frankfurt Airport moved and split in FRA Flight Departure and FRA Flight Arrival
    • Incorrect collision at tunnel entrance and exit on Highway A71 between Erfurt and Würzburg fixed
    • Level Art fix in Wiesbaden (fuseboxes on the road)


    • Driving behaviour in tunnels and curves improved
    • AI vehicle spawning at service areas and gas stations reduced
    • AI vehicle spawning at Frankfurt Airport reduced


    • Title banner switched with image in Main Menu
    • Title's font in sub-menus switched to Unicode font


    • Minor performance improvements

    Input Devices

    • Assistant for steering devices added to Vehicles Control Menu (no localization for French)


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    In today's update you'll find one of the first major overhauls: A completely revised Resting mechanic. Additionally we added some fixes to AI lane changing and spawning, improved the games performance and added NPC state icons.

    You can find the full list of fixes and updates in the change log below.

    Level Art

    • Tunnel Entrance/Exit Collisions fixed
    • Lighting fixed at certain bus stops
    • Let's Player ads updated


    • Material fixed of the Police Check Marker


    • Resting overhaul:
      -When driving longer that 4h, you can now take a break after 2h of driving at Gas Stations, Service Areas or Bus Stops with a bonus to statistics, or anywhere else with a malus to statistics
      -Added preconditions for taking a break: The bus needs to stand still, with engine off, doors opened and driver outside the vehicle.
      -When rested, you're required to check the passengers and send the passenger count to Central via the "Check" Button in your Smartphone
      -"Simple Resting" added to Control Mode Options
      -"Resting Quality" added to Service Statistics
      -"Missing Passengers" added to Service Statistics
    • Events fixed (Police Control and Highway Blockages will now appear correctly)


    • Technical and graphical performance improvements


    • Leaderboard position fixed in player profile
    • Added state icons to NPC (can be disabled in Game Options, with the exception for Resting)


    • Lane changing on Crossroads and in Tunnels disabled
    • AI Spawning updated at Frankfurt Airport and around Service Areas and Gas Stations
    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Finally we're back with a new update for Fernbus Coach Simulator. This one has taken a bit longer than usual, but we think the changelog will still make you happy. This update is available on Steam now. Here are the changes:

    Game Engine

    • Updated to Unreal Engine 4.13

    Input Devices

    • TrackIR Support added
      - Needs to be activated in Game Options
      - In TrackIR software, "Check for Game Updates..." has to be clicked
      - In TrackIR software, deactivate "Trap" option at all hotkey settings, as this would block keys in the game
      - Press "cockpit camera" key (standard '2') to center the view
    • Force Feedback adjusted in MAN Lion's Coach and Lion's Coach C
    • Crash fixed caused through many connected input devices


    • Overall CPU performance improved
    • Mirror performance improved
    • Coach performance improved


    • Fixed a bug in "taking a break". You now need to check all passengers inside the coach first, before you can check-in new passengers
    • Visualisation of Marked Areas updated and added symbols for bus stops, depot, gas stations, parking spots, and police checks
    • Fixed starting from depot in Freeplay
    • Bar barrier fixed
    • Dashboard buttons can not be used anymore in Arcade Mode


    • Added tool tips added for dashboard buttons
    • Leaderboards inside the player profile are now correctly displayed


    • Saving is now possible after deleting a saved game and overwriting it
    • Gamepad and Mouse axis are now able to be added as inputs


    • Additional levels of detail (LOD) for vegetation and various other assets (makes moving image smoother, prevents suddenly switching looks of trees etc.)
    • Added stationary MAN Lion's Coaches at central bus stations (Berlin, Munich, Cologne, Hamburg, and Halle)


    • Inside mirror activated (mirror quality has to be set to "Epic")
    • Fixed rear fog light in Lion's Coach C

    With several updates that have been released until now, we would be happy to read new Steam reviews based on your current opinion on the game!

  • The current patch includes a loads of updates and new content. From now on you'll have to share your lanes with AI coaches and semi-trailer trucks - these big trucks are an important part of our Christmas raffle - and repaints are going to be accessible via Steam Workshop and tons of other stuff:


    • Semi-trailer trucks in highway traffic
    • AI-Coaches in highway traffic
    • Improved AI behaviour on driveways
    • Despawning of all AI Vehicles has been fixed
    • AI Vehicles will no longer take a turn without any reason
    • AI Vehicles will no longer be blocked by other Vehicles right behind them


    • Christmas decoration added to various cities
    • HUD mirrors will now update after Graphics have been changed


    • Added optional automatic centering of steering
    • Input axis fading for Controllers
    • Standard input mapping added for Controllers


    • Raffle video added
    • Added mini map zoom in 3 steps (Key: Q)
    • Mini map auto-zoom updated
    • Mileage counter updated
    • Cruise control icon is shown in Dashboard and mini map
    • Controls menu updated
    • HUD settings will now be saved in profiles


    • Repaints available via Steam Workshop
    • Hot Reloading for Repaints
  • Our latest update contains mostly improvements of the lighting system and the player camera. That's all it is about. Pretty small, but neat.


    • Rear positioning lights of Lion's Coach / Lion's Coach C fixed
    • Front Lights of Lion's Coach / Lion's Coach C updated
    • Mirror lighting improved



    • Tunnel lighting updated
    • World lighting updated


    • Player camera updated and Third Person Camera added (Toggle third person via wheel wheel)

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://i.imgur.com/TtaF1iu.gif]

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    In this update we're finally adding a new city to Fernbus Coach Simulator. The city of Kassel is located in the center of Germany and adds a new destination for long-distance routes.

    We additionally fixed some bugs, fixed the AI coaches, updated the coaches physics and added Turkish as selectable Language.



    • Coach physics updated
    • Lion's Coach C rear view camera fixed
    • Left indicator fixed
    • AI coaches fixed


    • City of Kassel added
    • Highway A38 is in reconstruction

    GUI + Options

    • Date in calendar will now be displayed from system time correctly
    • FOV can now be set over 90
    • News added


    • Localisation bug fixed
    • Turkish Localisation added
    • Offizieller Beitrag

    We've updated the UV Layout of both MAN coaches. Thus the side and rear windows are now available for Modders to add their designs onto in the repaints.
    This change of layout can cause eventually some errors on current repaints, shouldn't they haven't been updated with this patch.
    We're sorry any inconvience, but are sure you will enjoy the changes as soon as the modders have updated theit repaints accordingly.

    The highway A7 is partially in reconstruction, in order to give it its destinctive look and feel. And last but not least we've focused on bug fixing.
    See the list below for details:


    - UV layouts of MAN Lion's Coach and Lion's Coach C updated. The windows on the side and rear of the coaches will now be available for repainting. Some texture errors can accur on repaints which haven't been updated as of this update
    - The coaches shouldn't treat speed bumps as off road anymore
    - Indicators can now be disabled with the button, which activatedthem.
    - Display will show "Not in Service" during Freeplay
    - Rear view camera will now activate correctly, when the gear switch is set manually using the mouse


    • Anti-aliasing artefacts should have been reduced


    • Repaint textures performance optimized


    • Parts of the highway A7 are under reconstruction
    • Bridges now cast correct shadows
    • Lights of AI coaches now work correct
    • Rain falling inside the depot garage has been fixed


    • News have been added
    • Passengers list scrolls correctly
    • Date and Time can now be synced with your System
  • Some users reported us they got troubles with their save games and error messages like LowLevelFatalError which might not start Fernbus Simulator at all with the latest update. We released a new hotfix today which should fix this issue.

    If you backed up your old save game, make sure to replace it with the new one. For those who started a new game and backed up their save game:

    • Open up Windows Explorer and navigate to your local Fernbus Simulator App Data. In most cases: C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\Fernbus\Saved\SaveGames
    • If you backed up your old profile, replace Profile.sav. If your file got created prior February 10th, you don't need to make any changes.
    • Start Fernbus Simulator, your old save game should work like expected.

    As usual, if you encounter any troubles with Fernbus Simulator, make sure to reach us out on our official support center (http://www.tml-studios.de/forum/support/) and our community hub for gameplay related issues.

  • Read me, we got something important for you:
    We've made a huge change to our update process, thus there will be no patch this week. However, you can access and download beta patches starting now on.
    This function is available by accessing the game properties of Fernbus Simulator in your Steam library under the tab BETAS. We'd appreciate your feedback in order to deliver more convenient updates for all of you in the future.

    You'll find the previous updates in the category previousversion.


    Beta Patch Notes v1.11.11521
    This update includes several GUI improvements and fixes.


    • Camera sensitivity of both axes can now be adjusted
    • Vertical camera axes can now be inverted
    • A note about unconfirmed controls changes has been added
    • Passenger comments during rides can now be disabled via Game Settings
    • Tooltips have been translated in most languages
    • Flickering tooltips inside the coach have been fixed
    • Additional localizations has been added: Turkish, Simplified Chinese, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese (Will be enabled prior stable release)


    • All textures of coaches will now be loaded permanently

    Save game system

    • Steam Cloud Saving has been added
  • The beta phase of patch 1.11 has been finalized. We've been able to fix some additional bugs thanks to your feedback.

    In addition to that we've been able to fix two AI issues. The AI won't drive into trucks trailer anymore. The braking lights flickering while waiting at traffic lights has been fixed.

    We've also updated the standard repaint of both MAN Lion's Coaches according to the international design. You'll still find the old release repaint in the customization labelled as "Fernbus Sim Release" and another new repaint can be found in the list as well. A neutral white repaint with Flixbus decals.


    • AI vehicles won't drive into truck trailers anymore


    • Camera sensitivity of both axes can now be adjusted
    • Vertical camera axes can now be inverted
    • A note, about unconfirmed controls changes, has been added
    • Passenger comments during rides can now be disabled via Game Settings
    • Tooltips have been translated in most languages
    • Flickering tooltips inside the coach have been fixed
    • Additional Localisations has been added: Turkish, Simplified Chinese, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese


    • All textures of coaches will now be loaded permanently
    • Flickering braking lights of AI Vehicles at traffic lights has been fixed
    • MAN Lion's Coach and Lion's Coach C Repaints added

    Save system

    • Steam Cloud Saving has been added
    • Offizieller Beitrag

    The next BETA-Update is available for download!

    You can find a tutorial on how to download game betas on Steam here:

    Externer Inhalt www.youtube.com
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    In this Update, you'll receive some new content and overhauled features free of charge, e.g. the new Sound Engine, which we've been working on for the last quarter. The "Break"-mechanic has been improved, and also the A7 has been fully reconstructed. Prepare yourselves for a racy and tuneful roller coaster ride!

    Hit this link to send us feedback and bug reports!


    Patch Notes:


    • MAN Lion's Coaches sounds updated to new sound engine
    • AI Vehicle sounds updated to new sound engine
    • Ambient sound updated to new sound engine


    • Added a crosshair for checking passengers after the break
    • It should be easier now to check passengers in the second row
    • The coaches in the selection screen should switch correctly now when returning from the Customization


    • Shadows updated
    • V-Sync added
    • Resolution scale can now manually be set to 200% (this makes over graphics smoother)
    • Loading times have been updated
    • Vehicle lights should be blocked by bridges now
    • Reconstruction of the A7 near the city of Kassel has been completed


    • A traffic AI crash has been fixed

    Caution: This is a BETA Update. Please note that this software can cause technical problems and make your computer system be instable. Please only use beta versions if you really know what you’re doing.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    In this Update, you'll receive some new content and overhauled features free of charge, e.g. the new Sound Engine, which we've been working on for the last quarter. The "break"-mechanic has been improved, and also the A7 has been fully reconstructed. Prepare yourselves for a racy and tuneful Roller coaster ride!

    Should you have active repaints subscribed from the Workshop, the game start - after you clicked on "Start Game" in the Main Menu - might take a bit to load, due to the changes we made to the texture memory of mod repaints, in order to additionally improve texture streaming.


    Patch Notes:


    • MAN Lion's Coaches sounds updated to new Sound Engine
    • AI vehicle sounds updated to new Sound Engine
    • Ambient sound updated to new Sound Engine


    • Added a crosshair for checking passengers after the break
    • It should be easier now to check passengers sitting in the second row
    • The coaches in the selection screen should switch correctly now when returning from the customization menu
    • Missing images of mods in the menu haven been fixed


    • Shadows updated
    • V-Sync added
    • Resolution scale can now manually be set to 200% (this should make the virtual world and objects much sharper)
    • Loading times have been updated
    • Texture streaming improved
    • Reconstruction of the A7 near the city of Kassel has been completed


    • A traffic AI crash has been fixed
    • The collision of signs has been fixed

    As always, we would love to hear your feedback to this update! Hit this link to start typing...