So i want to remove the speed limit from the buses which files to edit? I ssearched the whole internet about it but i couldn't find anything related to it thx in advance Regards,
fernbus simulator
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So i want to remove the speed limit from the buses which files to edit? I ssearched the whole internet about it but i couldn't find anything related to it thx in advance Regards,
fernbus simulator
You cannot remove the speed limit. Real simulator bus in Germany, the regulations apply to 100 km / h, this is a real game and not fantastic or racing would not make sense, higher speed. No u
I know, euro truck simulator is trucking game and not racing and u still can remove speed limit either with modifying files or mods
I want to have some fun i'm not allowed to?
There is no such technical possibility it is inscribed in the engine unreal engine 4 , to which access is only by the creator of the game, do not compare the game ETS 2 to Fernbus here it is completely different implemented at a high professional level which gives this game engine.
I do agree with Martin 40 Bus: First, I think Fernbus Simulator shouldn't be compared to ETS2 since there are many different factors that specify each game. Referring to the speed limit, I'm not sure if it should be thought to be removed; the game based on realism gameplay, one essential element is the limited speed for the vehicles. Furthermore, we should keep in mind that there is a certain reason why such heavy coaches' speed limits are existing.
So i want to remove the speed limit from the buses which files to edit? I ssearched the whole internet about it but i couldn't find anything related to it thx in advance Regards,
fernbus simulator
I do agree with @Martin 40 Bus and Don_Castor. However, you can use the BB40 which does not have a factory limiter at 100 km / h.
yes i also want speed must be according to our choice as if we want real simulation then there should not be that speed limiter sp that we can drive according to our satisfaction in some places speed limit is 120 in map but we can't go above 100 km/hr.
Just my opinion i think the bus should go upto 120km/hr
Hi there,
you can't remove the speed limit in the busses, but, as MatVitaL8 said, you can use our free DLC BB 40, it has no speed cap.
FYI: On the German Autobahn, busses, trucks etc. all have a speed limit at 100 km/h, sometimes even 60 km/h, so naturally we implemented this in our simulator
If the buses are equipped with speed limiter?or they drive according to speed limit Quarney
They could probably drive above the speed limit, but it is not recommendable
They could probably drive above the speed limit, but it is not recommendable
... especially because of the heavy weight: Imagine buses had no spped limiter and you would drive about 130 km/h on the Autobahn: Imagine an emergency stop with a Neoplan Skyliner, dozens of people with all the luggage on it and a trailer. This would be completely irresponsible, with respect to the own passengers as well as to the young family that may be in the car in fron of the coach. Even worse with a 40-tons-truck.
However, there is no sense in driving faster than the speed limit for such heavy vehicles allows. And this is the reason why TML decided not to change that in their simulations.