Randomise stops

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  • We currently have 2 ends of the spectrum with this. We have Berlin with just 1 single bus stop but on the other hand we have Hamberg with 6 stops showing up for us to pick from. Instead of this, why don't you have a few stops (in areas where there are multiple stands to choose from) and each trip, it randomly picks a stand. It could be any of the stands but because it's random, it means trips won't all be the same and it won't get boring using the same stand all the time.

    It's a minor thing for the game but it's funky and it keeps people interested. I know that I get bored now in Berlin with it always being the same stop.

  • Thats exactly why there are so many stops in Hamburg, it is a preperation for testing random assigned stands.

    Well, can we start testing? The sooner testing starts on Hamburg, the the sooner it can be rolled out to other areas.