Bye Bye

We are closing this forum

In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here:

  • Dear community,

    today is my last day here at TML. After almost two years, I want to say goodbye.

    It was a good and sometimes surprisingly turbulent time with you guys, thank you very much for that!

    In case we don't read each other anymore: All the best for you, stay as you are and don't lose the fun with the simulators

    Goodbye and stay healthy!


  • Oh Quarney, it was hard for me to read your post. It is very sad :rolleyes:

    I am very happy that we spent these two years together <3

    Life doesn't end there! We still remain together with TML-Studios, and to you dear Quarney, I wish you success in your career and in your personal life.

    These two years have been amazing! We will never forget Chris and you Quarney <3<3<3

    Best wishes, Denis! :)

  • All the best for your future endeavor Quarney :)

    • Official Post

    You're a awesome human being and a wonderful woman Quarney, today I'm filled with sadness that you're leaving but thankful for the opportunity you gave me, you was the one who asked me to join the team and put faith & confidence in me, I hope I repaid that confidence and faith you placed in me, I will never forget what you've done for me and for TML as a whole, we will sorely miss you around here, it's going to be a different place without you.

    I wish you happiness and success in you future job and hope your next employer is as happy as everyone here in the community is with you.

    You will always be in my thoughts <3<3

  • Damn it is a pity. it is rare to find someone who has good and regular contact with the community.

  • why did you leave Quarney? Bit sad to see you go but that's life sometimes ^^. To you the same, stay safe out there :)

  • Hi Quarney,

    I am very sad to hear that.;(;(;(

    You were very kind to me, very supportive.

    You were very kind.

    I can only wish you success, and that your next step will be forward, and for the better.

    One way or another, you can always count on me.;)

    He was the only person who talked to me as well.

    I wish TML luck as well since you were my only contact.

    Take care, and if I can be of any help to you at all, just snap a finger.:)

    It was a pleasure to meet you.:)

    Be safe and take care my dear.

    Kind Regards,

    Marcos Drummond

  • Dear Quarney ,

    It's sad to read that you are going to leave :( .

    I know we only spoke eachother once, but it was fun having a talk with you and you will be missed for sure!

    I wish you succes in the future!

    Thank you very much from me, the TML community, the Repaint Creators and the members of Berlin Bus!

    Kind regards,

