Presenting: The BUS
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Imagine this using raytracing in the future. It will look even more amazing.
I still don't believe this game is near to release, even as Early Access.
It is 1184 days since my first reply in the first page of this topic. I'm waiting anxiously for it now.
I still don't believe this game is near to release, even as Early Access.
It is 1184 days since my first reply in the first page of this topic. I'm waiting anxiously for it now.
Don't forget, the map is 1:1 and they are, what, with 20 people working at tml? So not a whole lot of people to make a big game with 1:1 map and add (later on) multiplayer and so on. Its a big project, but i see where you coming from, from 2017 and now only early acces, but its better EA then releasing a game where the a.i. ignores traffic lights, you remember those days?
neves768 you haven't visited this forum for too long
During your absence, a lot has happened. For example, this year, the developers announced «The Bus» Early Access at Gamescom 2020. Isn't it proof that the project is actively being worked on?
I believe «The Bus» will be in Early Access in 2021. We have all been waiting for this for a very long time and now it remains to wait quite a bit
neves768 you haven't visited this forum for too long
During your absence, a lot has happened. For example, this year, the developers announced «The Bus» Early Access at Gamescom 2020. Isn't it proof that the project is actively being worked on?
I believe «The Bus» will be in Early Access in 2021. We have all been waiting for this for a very long time and now it remains to wait quite a bit
Oh yes, I saw some videos from Gamescom.
What I mean was that I am happy that this day finally came. When we're near to play it.
I'm waiting anxiously to play since the beginning but I could wait more years. Game development isn't easy.
what about Solaris busses, they will be in future?
what about Solaris busses, they will be in future?
Solaris - Please read the Bus EA Roadmap, link here: The Bus EA Roadmap
Best Regards.