Live stream from working on the map.

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  • Hi,

    From time to time on the Polish OMSI forum, someone modders present live with their work on the creation of a map.

    This is interesting because you can see how complicated and time-consuming it is. We also see live effects.

    I would like to ask TML-Studios to let some of the artists' team show us a live stream from the creation or modernization of the map to Fernbus Sim or Tourist Bus. How does it look like in reality?

    What do you think about this idea?

  • Sounds great, the demo version of the modding tools seems already quite interesting.

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  • The Modding Tools are interesting, they going to come with THE BUS. But I don't know, it's for THE BUS and FERNBUS and also TOURIST BUS :/? I'm happy when TML it present for THE BUS and FERNBUS :) :) and also TBS?? Hmmmmmm.... :/

    LG Arne :)

    East or West- TML are the best :) xD

    BUSSE HABEN VORRANG :fernbus::fbs-sign-224:

  • Maybe let TML STUDIOS say because the tools will be for every game Fernbus, Tourist bus simulator, The Bus, from what I know.:/

    When the games are nearly finished, or new interesting content will be published here, he promised us Alex_S will be presented here. You have to wait patiently:) The works are currently underway at the Fernbus update, the map of France and VDL BUS, then the Tourist Bus simulator will be upgraded and then THE BUS will be developed further.