Hi folks,
today we're presenting a few screenshots straight out of our work regarding to our current "Fernbus" project.
Please note that these screenshots aren't final, incompleteness and glitches may be still present.
However, let's take a look:
As presented in our last episode of our DevDiaries buildings are generated randomly. Different kinds of weather can impact on architecture with the result that they are displayed differently:
FBBuildings1.png FBBuildings2.png FBBuildings3.png
Bigger and vast buildings do exist, such as shopping centres and massive construction sites:
FBBuildings5.png FBBuildings6.png
And even bigger and enormous architectures are present in large cities and metropolitan areas with point of interests - beneath some German buildings you probably recognize or already have heard about.
FBSpBuildings5.png FBSpBuildings4.png FBSpBuildings3.png FBSpBuildings1.png FBSpBuildings2.png
You can perceive details in the bus depot. Pay attention to the textures, reflections, shading and - as promised in the third DevDiary - random license plates.
FBDepot10.png FBDepot11.png FBDepot12.png FBDepot4.png FBDepot2.png FBDepot1.png FBDepot5.png FBDepot3.png FBDepot6.png
FBDepot7.png FBDepot8.png FBDepot9.png
Regarding to weathering, buildings aren't the only objects which alter to the current state of weather - Germany's landscape does shape its appearance based on the lightning or current season, e.g. a mountain which is covered with snow on flat surfaces or a field which is currently flourishing or was already harvested.
FBLandscape5.png FBLandscape4.png FBLandscape6.png FBLandscape1.png FBLandscape7.png FBLandscape3.png FBLandscape2.png
Have a pleasant Third Advent!