I agree on the button to zoom in, much easier
BETA Update 28 for Fernbus Simulator
- Quarney
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Hey pete_agreatguy,
thanks for coming over from Discord. Your reports have been forwarded although I can't promise we will bring back the old zooming.
Like Chris agreed, it is much easier than having to assign two buttons and press them multiple times.
For me; I found it particularly useful being on trackir to zoom onto the right mirrors which I cannot see so well. Probably due to my screen size.
I also liked the new zoom. very useful. but the return of the viewing angle is impractical.
The sunrise is very strong even with the sun screen.
I also prefer the old zoom to see the right mirror, more practical.
With the Man 2nd gen , in DLC Football, as you can see in the picture, this Tree hide the Traffic light at this point of the map in Dortmund.
Furthermore, there is always the graphic bug that tree goes trough the Coach.....
Hey everyone,
we’re aware of issues with checking passengers after Rest stops and the in-game radio not properly working, I’ve been able to reproduce these issues and forward them to a developer, to be fixed in a upcoming beta.
Best Regards. -
Coach Driver seat belt is missing !!!
Driver not wearing seat belt at all
There is always the bug of the driver walk trough the seat of the Man 3rd Gen L
Have you planned to update interior ligthing coach, added real lighting for steps and luggage compartments, real reading light like the Man 3rd on the other Coach ?
Thanks to this update for the exterior lighting, it's a great improvement
There is also others lighting problems with the VDL FDD2-141
The driver lighting, only one position of the switch is active and this light on the 2nd floor and not the entrance of the coach
For the passenger ligthing in high level, at the back door, the light rest on low mode , it's very dark when open this back door
Hallo, bitte sehen Sie, wie die Schatten so seltsam vorbeiziehen
Fabian and Gil posted a video about DLC Belgium:
Externer Inhalt youtu.beInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt. -
A new BETA version for the Fernbus Simulator has just been released. You can find the full changelog in the main article!
Looking forward to trying out the new BETA later. Thank you for the hard work.
Hey all,
Normal support will resume tomorrow, as it's a Public holiday in Germany today, although I'll be here to help out when and where I can
Best Regards.
Another BETA version for Update 28 has just been released! Check out the updated changelog in the main article.
Found new bug, not sure if it has been reported but:
After using two times "Backspace" button game just crashes, if you use it one time, it works perfectly time, but the second time it crashes and the same happens after restarting the game. -
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