Anyone else unlocked the FLIXBUS routes but can't find any?

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Helo i cant not open this game, i have buying on steam what to do?
Anyone else unlocked the FLIXBUS routes but can't find any?
Yes same here.
Helo i cant not open this game, i have buying on steam what to do?
Please write to support centre.
Probably starting next week
next week= a couple of hours NICE!
I just installed Fernbus Simulator and when i try to start the game this happens [Blocked Image:] It says i have to install it when i already have. [Blocked Image:].
I will really appreciate some help or i will immediately refund the game..Dear Daniis.
@Daniiis: Take a look at this guide: https://support.steampowered.c…le.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335, this should work.
@SocialOfficer Doesnt work... Still getting same error.
Guess ill just have to refund the game what a shame i was so hyped for this game... -
Did you already contacted our support team?
Yes, Any help?
Hello! Even with the update my game continues without initializing! Simply is showing the black screen and then "fatal error". Well here I am sending my "dxdiag" and I hope you are able to help me because it is very boring!
I even signed up to be one of the Brazilian tester game betas but did not give me attention and now I'm here with this problem. Still I am available to help in any way possible, even in translation to our language, Portuguese!
@Ofelippe, please contact our support at and create a new ticket with your DxDiag attached.
Chris -
Yes, I did it but got no answer!
Yes, I did it but got no answer!
Have some patience... They need to help more people then just you.
Hi !
I just unlocked the original flixbus routes, but there are no routes on the list
Please help -
my pc system " intelR TM core i5- 4590 @3300 4 cores, memory 8 gb,video card gtx 750 ti 2 gb
at the beginning of the menu disastrous lag , even the installation settings to a minimum does not help , the menu and the game simply optimizing zero, even at the beginning logo Aerosoft and TML studio already lags (help me please)
(re-editing as many typos with phone auto-correct).
I love this game already, more fun and realistic than either ATS or ETS2 so well done and thank you for building this, get this right and you will have a loyal following for ever, like FSX for example.
I see that many of my own likes are already covered, which is great.
- I would like to see the steering wheel turning circle Increased to 900 degrees or more and capable of mapping 1:1 directly to a G27 for example, without this the steering is not smooth (bad for coach sim).
- I would also like to see the ability to add a dead zone to steering axis so you can drive straight whilst not looking at the road (great for checking out the fab scenery).
- The map should remember the position and zoom level from previous view, not always start min zoom in centre of map (way more convenient).
- Someone already asked for GPS to be zoomable, PLEASE zoom in and not out! ATS and ETS2 both do this the wrong way round (or perhaps have zoom in and out option??).
- Buttons to have a hover description when you hold the mouse over them and or a detailed manual.
- If I arrive early at a bus stop not all passengers should be there, if I arrive 20 mins early (for example) I should have to wait for them to arrive.
- I would also like to see the occasional late passenger, then I decide to wait or not (regardless of final evaluation scores).
- When passengers board the bus the luggage compartment should fill or empty accordingly (and perhaps they should not all have the same bag).
- Somewhere other than on the speedo we need fuel, speed and any other relevant info available, even if a simple pop-up on request via button.
- There seem to be a number of functionality items that are not present in the controls area (cant think of example right now, will try to return to this).
- This is a long shot but I would love to see mechanical elements introduced, breakdowns, flat tyre for example and a maintenance area to resolve (to happen very rarely!).
P.S: I cannot wait to travel on a Flixbus they look AMAZING!
Yes same here.
Please write to support centre.
Coppers you do good job on truckersmp
I would like to see the steering wheel turning circle Increased to 900 degrees or more and capable of mapping 1:1 directly to a G27 for example, without this the steering is not smooth (bad for coach sim)...
What do these buttons do?
[Blocked Image:]They lock the luggage compartments and the doors -_-
I want to report the bugs. In the main corridor of the bus, there are main white lights for the passengers. If I turn it on, they are lighting only 15 seconds and than they are turn off. The optimalization of the game is bad. There are lags. I would like to have good work of my Logitech G29, I mean the LEDs should lights when I'm accelerating like e.g. in Project Cars or The Crew games. Please make the shifter will have manual 6 gears. Also the clutch should work. Thank you.