Screenshots and Videos from Fernbus Coach Simulator

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  • Hey guys!:)

    Finally, after 15 hours of uploading, I'm proud of being able to show you my first video.^^

    Please notice that this video is just for fun and I don't want to denounce the fact that this Autobahn isn't perfect yet, in my opinion it's a nice experience for Fernbus Simulator players. And some of you already know that I don't have the best gaming computer, so don't set your expextations on the quality too high.:saint:

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  • Hey guys!:)

    Finally, after 15 hours of uploading, I'm proud of being able to show you my first video.^^

    Please notice that this video is just for fun and I don't want to denounce the fact that this Autobahn isn't perfect yet, in my opinion it's a nice experience for Fernbus Simulator palyers. And some of you already know that I don't have the best gaming computer, so don't set your expextations on the quality too high.:saint:

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    This is not a bug report of course, because the highway is (officially:lol:) not opened for players.:)

  • Don_Castor, thanks for the info!! I havent noticed it! ... Autobahns, all those big roads are autobahns in this game, of course. IRL here in Finland, they are "motorways" or "expressways", but not highways, never ever highways. When I drive to Germany, they are autobahns. Always been like that.

  • FPS average 40-60

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    My Youtube video, France Simu VDL

  • Great movies and photos you give , I like it very much as you drive VDL, your channel gives you subscriptions and I watch you continue as you drive the whole movie, congratulates all who give pictures and movies, nice route @John Reasonmill :):thumbup:

  • Presenting a small video made whole-heartedly with love for the Fernbus Simulator. I saw here today on the forum the statement that the Fernbus Simulator is dead, it is not so! If he was dead, there would be no such videos!:)

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  • Maximus

    Fantastic video! :) I've also came across that comment and I can say that Fernbus is not dead at all. If it was, TML Studios would not be releasing new updates and DLCs for Fernbus but they are constantly working on new features and enhancements which is a great thing for us :)

    I also would like to share with you how ignorant some of the reviews are on Steam, not only on Fernbus itself, but also its DLCs like the latest VDL Futura FHD2.
    One negative review on the VDL DLC states that "The interior is ugly". I mean, that's exactly how it looks in real-life, and it's ridiculous to make a review solely based on that; not thinking about all the hard work that was put into making this DLC, the sounds, the physics, making it look as authentic as possible. Ridiculous. It doesn't even look that bad in real-life! :lol: (although it's not my favourite) And in-game it looks amazing :)

  • Thank you very much Dynek , I completely agree with you, the Fernbus Simulator is very much alive, and I’m saying about stupid bad reviews, there will always be such toxic people on the Internet who don’t like everything, they will devour themselves with their anger.:)