I'm writing an error here because I've exceeded the photo upload limit. Quarney
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I'm writing an error here because I've exceeded the photo upload limit. Quarney
To be fair I don't think we should be reporting bugs or errors unless TML ask us to for France DLC, I think they've had enough stress for today!
Like Christmas as a kid the presents, you can't help but peek under the wrapping paper. Was going to purchase the Intercity and saw the France DLC available so was going to purchase both and did. Doesn't matter if it's not polished yet I guess I can take a sneak peek and wait for the full version!
Even if I had purchased it, I would disable DLC France. I believe that in the state that is, would disturb the experience. For those who wait until now what are weeks or a few months.
Yes I understand you got a key, that's good.
If I had I would enjoy and activate on Steam too. Maybe I would take a look and then disable DLC and wait for the final version.
In my case that I have a medium PC would have serious problems.
If I had a powerful PC I would risk a little more.
As I have neither the key and the PC so the way is to wait for the final version to come out.
TML should take advantage of the error and open early feedback from DLC France, this would help in the refinement issue until the final version.
I would be excited if TML announced that it had been working on a new audio system for all vehicles.
That would make me more motivated to play than a new map.
Yes I understand you got a key, that's good.
If I had I would enjoy and activate on Steam too. Maybe I would take a look and then disable DLC and wait for the final version.
In my case that I have a medium PC would have serious problems.
I totally agree your words. For somebody who bought the DLC, if you have a warm heart for TML, you can help check the bugs, if you want to get the best experience, you can disabled the DLC and wait till the final version.
If you want to know whether it worth the risk. IMO, it absolutely worth. It is much more larger, with more cities, more beautiful, more detail True To Live scenery than ETS2 France. But only a little bit more expensive.
Hey guys, check out some present pictures on Steam community, if you love this expansion, just buy a copy now. Let's give some love to TML, for encouraging them from this unexpected accident.
Will we buy again at this price ?
I bought France dlc and I can say that it is quite okay, it can be played normally without crashes at least for me it is. Of course there are mistakes
nevertheless it is an accidental early release
@ Quarney, I'd like to publish an 1 hour 16 min. video of DLC France on my Youtube channel, a trip from Saarbrucken to Paris. There was no big faults, only some stuttering in Paris centre. I would put a notice on the text part of the fact it is a pre-release version.
The video will be ready on Youtube at about 17:00 CET, and I can show it to you before publishing.
Is this ok?
(( My channel adress is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv28OeyxEahb5iYFnlfBrIg ))
Exactly, the north east part of France is nearly perfect.
Exactly, the north east part of France is nearly perfect.
MBO530 Ahaa... Well I was wondering where all the unfinished things are, 'cos didn't see any
Actually all contents are finished, only need to fix some bugs and optimize some area.
Good job on France dlc. I hope Italy dlc to start soon.
I publish it, cannot be bad because the Simulator shows no errors. ( ...but I show some idiotic driving mistakes just before it ends )
Guys, I know I may not have that many issues, but plenty of people do, and theres not been 1 single reply since yesterday, this needs to be gotten under control and fast, I feel for all those who have severe issues and have had no correspondence since yesterday, there needs to be replies and fast, hope 1.23 BETA is here on Monday, it has to be, this mess for other people is damaging the reputation of in my opinion the best game studios in the world, this needs to be taken care of as a priority, and fast!
Kind Regards.
PUGF or SNCF?20191019205645_1.jpg
It should be changed to PUGF, due to the license issue, the one in Reims might be a miss.
Thank you all for your feedback and patience!
Thanks for your Screenshots, will be fixed.
As we said, it was not intended to have the DLC released that early, we even had a big red warning banner on the steam page, saying that people shouldnt buy it yet.
DavidGamer401 Thank you, we´ll look that up when the more serious stuff is under control
Hey guys!
Thanks for the kind words!
An update is going to come very soon which will fix some last issues, as it was actually intended
@John Reasonmill sorry, we are not working on the weekends, but you did the right thing and released the clip, as other YouTubers did too. Glad it worked so far
Can't wait for fixed light system, and fixed setra lights, for me this the most important things at the moment. If i can say something about DLC France, my word will be WOW , when i saw Paris for the first time i was just speechless. Of course Paris and Marsille and probably other cities still needs optimization, but for now map is quite playable, Great Job TML and keep going