Another question: I wonder also those who have made the purchase of the pre-order will be entitled to a beta version before the official release of the game.
No..beta is for purpose of testing not early access gameplay...
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Another question: I wonder also those who have made the purchase of the pre-order will be entitled to a beta version before the official release of the game.
No..beta is for purpose of testing not early access gameplay...
Is there a option to steering by mouse?
Thanks for your answer
Yes - they have confirmed
EDIT: quote removed / Hauptfeldwebel
Good afternoon,
In this video you can see that the rain / snow is buggy because it rains inside the bus. Also you can not tell if the effect is rain or snow, because if we go to see what's falling from the sky looks like snow, but if we look at the bus drops looks like rain. They could put an effect on wet road? How has the speed windshield wipers?
P:S They did not get me to respond in full to my previous post
Luís Navio
You know that the version shown in the video is still a BETA, bugs like the snow inside the bus will be fixed until the release. As you can see, it is snowing and not raining - but what's the effect when snow drops on the windshield / window? Right, it "appears" as water - that's why you can see drops instead of snowflakes on the bus. How would you imagine snowflakes on the window? White stains would look kinda weird.
No..beta is for purpose of testing not early access gameplay...
But if so I find it very badly because they are giving chance to people who ace many even acquired the game and I was one of the first to pre-order and accompany the game from the beginnings.
Ja so you can wait like everybody else. It does not matter if you pre-order or buy months after release you are still valued customer.
The DVD version which will bring? Will bring some poster or something like that? They are thinking to launch any version with a miniature bus?
[Blocked Image:]
thank you for attention
Luís Navio
I'm back here after getting rid a busy week!
I want to buy a miniature bus as well, I've seen one on the site of Meinfernbus ,but I don't know whether they can ship it to my country. By the way, I've seen the latest Beta video on YouTube , it seems like becoming better and better, especially the screen which shows GPS and camera. the AI cars seem no longer floating in the air, also I love the sunshine in the afternoon, everything seems awesome. But I found that all the crossroad and entrances of the Autobahn just have the same look, I hope some of them can be different from other. ( just like the highway in ATS Arizona DLC).
And I believe that Chris will reply me the fastest!
Best wishes
Hi guys. Up until last week I had never heard of Flixbus. Then I went on holiday to Berlin staying at the Park on Alex with a great view of the Flixbus stop there!
Then I came home and discovered you, aĺl my dreams come true!
I hope the Alexanderplatz bus stop is in the game with about 100 buses a day plus L 065 to Leipzig starting there.
Grußt.. Jimmy
@MBO530: Here in am ... I suppose most of the entrances to the autobahn will look fairly similar, as they really do in reality.
@jmhamsterman: Welcome to our forums! We're glad you like our project! Unfortunately, the Alexanderplatz stop is not included in the game, but therefore the bug central bus station of Berlin.
I see. that means we can design our own autobahn entrances by the map editor, just like you told us in DevDiary 7 ?
We will have access to map editor after release when TML have their Fernbus sim mod plugin approved by the Unreal Engine market.
EDIT: quote removed / Hauptfeldwebel
Hi. Need cameras as OMSI, I told him long ago. And a developer TML-Studios, said it was a good idea and try to implement it.
However, in the versions shown by Mafuyux or "NexGenGames" there are no cameras through buttons.
That is, I press a button on my steering wheel and I can look to the left.
That's comfort, it's something comfortable. However with the mouse, it is annoying.
After watching a German Let's Play/Preview what do these settings mean and do?
[Blocked Image:]
Also, will there be AI coaches operating too?
Do you mean the "ToggleWLANClearance" ?
All except red line,