Update 1.1.23323 - RELEASE

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  • We've just released the update 1.1 for Tourist Bus Simulator!

    Most important first: Crashes with some AMD graphics cards are now fixed.

    In addition to many small to large fixes and improvements, you can now control the SUV, service car and dune buggy with your mouse (press mouse wheel) and apropos dune buggy: All the parts should now be able to be found when using map hints. Have fun cruising with your new vehicle!

    Detailed information can be found in Changelog.

    Thanks to everybody participating and submitting feedback during the beta version of this update.

    And a Merry Christmas on Fuerteventura to all of you from the entire team!




    AMD graphics cards

    • Fixed crashes with some AMD graphics cards.


    • Added destination mark for the first bus at the harbour
    • Added destination marker for first bus stop of Route 101
    • Player character no longer changes during the tutorial inside the SUV


    • GUI has been adjusted for 4:5 resolutions
    • Not relevant stop markers are no longer displayed
    • A missing symbol on the world map and in the navigation system for the last used vehicle will now be displayed correctly after loading the game
    • An icon for sightseeing tours in the planner fixed
    • UI of the supermarket updated
    • Icons for types of insurance fixed
    • and some other minor bugs fixed and impovements


    • Mouse control added for SUV, Service car and Buggy (press mouse wheel)
    • Service vehicle activation now works even if the vehicle is already visible/loaded
    • The fuel tank no longer depletes when using the Num5 key
    • Temperature readings in SUV and service vehicle fixed
    • Sliders and similar assets located on the dashboard of the buses can now be dragged with the left mouse button


    • Buggy parts no longer disappear after finding a position hint for the corresponding part
    • Some routes, which eg. mistakenly led to Aguas Verdes were corrected
    • At petrol stations, you can no longer hear the sound effect of an opening roller shutter
    • Fixed some graphics bugs in the game world
    • Fixed guide comments during sightseeing tours
    • Unnecessary teleporting of passengers has been fixed in some places
    • Fixed invalid passengers after fast travelling to shuttle service route stops
    • Fixed fast travel to the player apartment
    • Added extra destinations for shuttles
    • Increased number of AI vehicles
    • Some standing pedestrians now have smartphones
    • Some corrections to the sound
    • City names are now displayed in the skill point menu, in the route and sightseeing planner and in the world map in fast travel mode
    • In the Sightseeing Planner under "Hotel Offer" now all hotels are displayed (not unlocked are grayed out)
    • After leaving the UI in the external workshop, the bus will not roll any further
    • Added license plate for SUV and service vehicle (not for buggy)
    • Fixed false display in buggy unlock window
    • Tool tips for map elements fixed (buggy parts, beaches, hardware stores, electric shops, apartments, kitchen shops, furniture shops)
    • and some other minor bugs fixed
  • Hi, developers.

    Please settings for CAR chair (+/- top-bottom)

    my driver looks at the floor with his nose XDDD



    my bus is not allowed to enter the garage gate. They're broken for entry !??


    I'm a tourist bus, you know me!? XDDD

  • Update 1.1.23323 - BETA errors please fix.

    1.sightseeing trips, no orange line on the map and navigation, so you can not ride

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    Thank you Gil for the job , I wish you a Merry Christmas, please fix what I have given, will be a nice time and fun on Christmas time with a tourist bus simulator:):thumbup:  mk0 The game is a great product ;)Regards.

  • Update 1.1.23323 - BETA two errors please fix.

    1.sightseeing trips, no orange line on the map and navigation, so you can not ride

    2.you can not make a repair, even if you keep the mouse button left long held

    Thank you Gil for the job , I wish you a Merry Christmas, please fix what I have given, t will be a nice time and fun on Christmas time with a tourist bus simulator:):thumbup:  mk0 The game is a great product ;)Regards.

    I have a bus repair-works well. You came to him on a special car or on a regular!? That's different! You must have a special purpose vehicle (yellow)

  • I agree, but there is another problem with the line I am writing the subject below and employing drivers.

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  • I carried out thorough tests of the game and the mistakes are two.

    number 1.- when we have sightseeing tours, we will turn off the game to the desktop , we will turn on again, there is no line completely when you enter through smartphone, timetable schedule, sightseeing tours. There is a line on the navigation and map button M. everything visible on the picture.


    number 2. - Lack of employment of an employee when the game is in Polish, it works in English. I showed everything in the movie. I hope that these two errors will be fixed, I also sent them for Timo email and Tom private message. Thank you regards.

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  • Setra, Neoplan will be in toruist as soon as possible, the work resumes on January 7 2019 year . This information should be provided by TML STUDIOS employees. Bus VDL DLC - it's probably done , but I do not know exactly, maybe they are waiting for licenses. developer will answer your questions here, they are interesting, they to us all.

    • Official Post

    Setra, Neoplan will be in toruist as soon as possible, the work resumes on January 7 2019 year . This information should be provided by TML STUDIOS employees. Bus VDL DLC - it's probably done , but I do not know exactly, maybe they are waiting for licenses. developer will answer your questions here, they are interesting, they to us all.

    OK let me gather those information about the VDL that announced by TML for your guys.

    Since July 2018 TML told us that the VDL is coming, there was few information about this project. About a year ago, VDL Bus & Truck Co. post an advertisement of Fernbus Simulator. That seems like TML has built a cooperation relationship with VDL. So I think the license is not the main problem.

    I'm also confused about that what's happened to VDL DLC, according to the images released by TML earlier this year, the model of VDL seemed to be already done -- at least the FHD2. But they also post two photos of a bus, told us that there was also another bus working in progress. According to these pictures, there is no doubt that the "secret" model is the FDD2.

    You guys can search on steamdb.info, both Fernbus and Tourist bus had updated the VDL DLC in their database. But they have different name.

    Here's the Fernbus


    And here's the Tourist bus


    TML said that we don't need to purchase the same DLC twice, so these two DLCs must have the same content. But where's the FDD2? Another DLC? I'm not sure...

    I really hope TML will present us something amazing near New Year's Eve, just like last year.

  • It is difficult to answer everything here, but you say well what you can see. MBO530 , you have to wait for TML STUDIOS announcements, maybe it will be a surprise for New Year's Eve. I am glad that there will be these buses and two DLC games for two games , there are many secrets like FDD2. I encourage TML to announce something for the community that expects new buses and what about the map of France for Fernbus DLC.

  • Kann man schon die DLC´s vom Fernbus Simulator einsetzen also die Busse?