Fernbus Coach Simulator: Your wishes and ideas

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In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here: https://discord.com/servers/tml-studios-224563159631921152

  • 1. Pro
    2. No, tab is more secure. It s fine how is now.
    3. It s more complicate, we have now a lot more update to be done. It s not necceseary your ideea for now.
    4. Yea, this is a fucking problem. Sry for my language.

    PC Spec

    Youtube Channel

    • improved optimisation/performance in terms of FPS.
    • Passengers walking inside/outside the coach when boarding, departing and AT BREAKS.
    • AI improvements (which I can see you are working on very hard from the improvements done already)
    • more passengers at the bus stops as having the bus full looks a lot better in the MAN Lions Coach Class C
      and probably the Double Decker :lol: which you are planning on releasing.
    • other busses on the roads, and at bus stops with different repaints we put into the Repaints folder.
    • new countries like Poland as FlixBus actually has routes going abroad.
    • radio streams - which you're probably working on anyways.
    • new busses! :D (especially the Setra)
    • improved optimisation/performance in terms of FPS.
    • Passengers walking inside/outside the coach when boarding, departing and AT BREAKS.
    • AI improvements (which I can see you are working on very hard from the improvements done already)
    • more passengers at the bus stops as having the bus full looks a lot better in the MAN Lions Coach Class C

    and probably the Double Decker :lol: which you are planning on releasing.[*]other busses on the roads, and at bus stops with different repaints we put into the Repaints folder.
    [*]new countries like Poland as FlixBus actually has routes going abroad.
    [*]radio streams - which you're probably working on anyways.
    [*]new busses! :D (especially the Setra)

    As above :D

    Hopefully the developers are still checking out this post :D

  • 1. Pro2. No, tab is more secure. It s fine how is now.
    3. It s more complicate, we have now a lot more update to be done. It s not necceseary your ideea for now.
    4. Yea, this is a fucking problem. Sry for my language.

    I agree, except #2 : for me it's annoying to have to click in the middle of screen after selection. TAB taste should be the only to do after selecting the 2D panels.
    I should have to activate the selection screen through with the TAB taste, then select what I want to display, and finally press TAB. I don't understand the reason to click on an additionnal empty place before using the TAB taste.

  • After many movies and reviews have looked and read I bought fernbus simulator on 29 October. but after downloading the game I am, however, disappointed by the graphics, controls, and a few things. pity there is no demo is released. Now I've paid 30 euros for nothing.

    I hope tml studios can come up with a solution.


    • Official Post

    Hi @ferhatceyhan, thanks for your message. We'd be glad if you could leave your detailed feedback on what exactly you're missing in the game and what you do and do not like here: Post your feedback about Fernbus Coach Simulator

    As far as demos are concerned: You do have the ability to get a refund from Steam within a short period of time, should you not like the game or have a system that is not compatible with the game. This is also why we have not released a demo, despite the fact that it is very time intensive, and we are using most of our energy to actually patch the game and make it better, day by day.


  • chris, pls make a demo, people can buy on retail and regret about it too

    Creating a Demo would take a long time and the developers want to focus on updating the game.
    Before buying the game, I would suggest watching Let's Plays of the game, on YouTube, and seeing whether you like it or not.

  • Hello my name is Jonathan I'm from Guatemala (sorry for my english), I just buy the game 2 days ago and I played around 6 hrs. I read a lot of bad comments about the game in steam, but I decided to give it a chance, My computer is not powerful but the game plays OK the frame rate is between 14-20 FPS but drops in very specific moments but this forum is for wishes and suggestions so here are my :

    * Show the time left for a closed road (This is for take action maybe is better wait the reopen).
    * Optional Carry the costumer luggage and placed into the bus.
    * Optional Bus mechanic failures, like over heating motor and flat tires.
    * Manual Add delay time to phone app.
    * Add emergency vehicles to road crashes maybe an helicopter landing and taking off. (adds more things to see)

    Well I hope some of this suggestions maybe consider.

    And Thank you TML Studios for your hard work.


  • Dynek has a good suggestion on future expansion outside of Germany and perhaps in the future this game can become to coach driving what Euro truck sim 2 has become for hauling frieght? I mean you can only drive around the same map but so many times before the novelty wears off. I believe I remember Sim UK mentioning this in one of his videos recently.

  • Please improve the force feedback because it basically doesn't work , add LEDs to the steering wheel Logitech G29 when you drive so that they'll light up . Improve the optimisation in the next update , add driving busses in AI and add them to every bus stop. Also make the passengers enter and leave the bus with fluent animations . Thank you

  • 1. Can we bring back the Green, Red and Orange thing with the staff comments. It seems to be a bit blank at the moment. It helps us a lot as we know what to and what not to suggest.
    2. Can we have more passengers. I am sure it has been asked for before but it is like urgently needed. 21 people for a 56 odd seater is bad and probably not viable irl so please more passengers.
    3. ETA is needed. Again, I know people suggested but as no codes are around, we dont know if it has been accepted or not been read.
    4. Radio that plays Capital FM and other radios. It would help everyone massively. Maybe make it a bit like ETS2 where we have to put the link into a txt file before entering the game.
    5. Zoom out of route navigator. Also at junctions where 2 lanes stay and two lanes leave, please make the nav show that so we can be in the right lane and not have to move last minute.
    6. Attraction bus stops like Berlin Zoo or stops like that. I saw Flixbus have one or two attraction stops.
    7. Private Hire so we dont stop on route. We literally go from A to B but we dont start at the normal Flixbus bus stops. We stop kind of outside a random building and end at a landmark or something like that.
    8. People actually use the toilet when WC Clearance is on. Like see people walk to the toilet and open the door, close it.
    9. A way to stop the steering wheel going automatically back to 'straight'. Like it will stay at the same rotation until you move it back and make NumPad 5 so you press that and it centres the wheel.
    10. Passengers walk onto the bus not just fade and appear.
    11. PAssengers put bags overhead or just random have bags overhead like in real life.
    12. Passengers walk to the coach door when open. In real life, no one stands and waits for the driver to go to them, everyone walks to the door with a sheet of paper or phone to show.
    13. MORE AIRPORT STOPS!!!! I love going to Frankfurt airport for some odd reason. I just like how you can to an airport. Berlin has 2 airports yet none of them are on the game and Flixbus does apparently stop there.
    14. Reversing bus stations. Like where you pull into the stop but you have to reverse out. That would make some really cool maneuvers. Like make a really cool bus station out of it which we can walk into.
    15. Remove some of the unnecessary road blockers. Like there is scenery and everything but it takes us ages to get where we want to go because of all the silly road blockers.
    16. Passengers wear seatbelts. When we are stopped by police it says how many strapped passengers but we cant see. Just show like a lap belt or something to make it realistic. Also the announcement says to do your seatbelt!
    17. Make passengers not appear really early. I was at a stop like 2 hours early at some point and all passengers were there ready to go. I dont know about you but I dont turn up 2 hours early for my coach.
    18. Real Flixbus timetables. So we can run off real life timetables if we want to and those times will show on the phone
    19. Seamless change between routes. I hate having to respawn the bus everytime I change routes. At the end of the route, I just want to simply change route no messing around. If I pick a route from another town, I want to drive there empty not just spawn there.
    20. Option to do the reverse of the 'originals'. The Original Flixbus routes on Fernbus can only be done on way. Can you make an option for us to do the reverse as one way is annoying.
    21. AI buses stopping at all the little bus stops that we drive past. We dont stop at them but it would be really cool to see other buses stopping there. It doesnt have to pick up passengers, just simply be an AI vehicle.
    22. AI Coaches which run on lines like we do. They only operate 'originals' for obvious reasons but would be really cool.

    Sorry, I know this is a long list. I think the game is fantastic but some small adjustments would make it perfect. Most of it is realism updates but some are more personal requests. Please use the color thing on these suggestions so I can see what we might be getting. I love Fernbus. Please keep helping it grow.

  • The game is making better and better. The optimization is better, even on my weak graphic card now it is going smooth. What is missing for me at this moment it is a radio. Could you add it soon to the game please?

  • 1) More passenger interaction/conversations.

    2) Map DLC add ons (even longer routes and more choice/variety). I would definitely buy more maps to make the current one larger.

    3) New random events
    (Rare: Engine malfunctions, flat tires and ill passengers.
    Uncommon: Traffic jams (could include sliders for this so people can pick how long in real minutes they want these to last), troublesome, travel sick or drunk passengers and having to pull over to the side to let emergency services get by you. Fallen trees after storms.)

    4) AI has different types (Those who drive slow and carefully, those who are your regular good drivers and those who make mistakes and break small rules) so basically more realistic and unpredictable but not to the point where you can't get a drive done on time at all. Perhaps include a few sliders on what kind of AI people want in the game so you can get a mix of them or choose only two or one over others.

    5) Ability to work for a bus company (drive routes made by other players). Perhaps in a contract type of feature. If this is not possible then drive routes that are randomly made by an AI company so that it doesn't get boring. Could even be a DLC if it had enough content to improve gameplay.

    6) Ability for buses to become damaged (not visually) or dirty (visually). If damaged too badly it won't drive, if it's too dirty passengers complain and you should head to a bus wash at a bus depo whenever you can.

    7) In the future perhaps you could have short routes and introduce your normal buses. Then for the longer routes you have your good old coaches. That way if someone does not have lots of time they can have a short drive, picking up passengers more frequently but if they fancy being a coach driver that is there too. It just adds more replay-ability to the game and stops it from getting boring as you can pick different roles.

    8) Physics for coaches/buses so it doesn't feel the same driving on different types of roads.

    Thank you for allowing us to have our say and hopefully we'll see some of our suggestions in the game :)

  • ETA versus Schedule Arrival

    Would be nice to have on the navigation screen the Estimate Time of arrival at current speed so to understand if we're arriving too early (so to slow down a bit) or too late (and hammer down on gas).

    Of course this will add some "risk" as if speed will be adjusted too close to the Schedule Arrival and something happens, then even at best speed would not be possible to arrive on time anymore!