Dear TML MetroNorth here I am back to see what updates you have planned and stuff for the game. I was wondering are you even going to release force feed back or is that a dead request from us? because without the force feedback the game is basically a waste of time to play. I love everything you have done but without the Force Feedback I feel like my steering wheel was a waste of money when I play fernbus hope you can fix it soon.

Let’s talk about Fernbus (EN)
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In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here:
forcefeedback is not dead, we know it is a big thing and has high priority.
I hope we´ll have something ready for the next or atleast second next beta-update. -
forcefeedback is not dead, we know it is a big thing and has high priority.
I hope we´ll have something ready for the next or atleast second next beta-update.Hey thanks for the response glad to hear it I can't wait to have it no offence to your amazing team but any driving game should have wheel support and force feedback especially considering it is 2017 Thanks for the response though!
Are you planning an IRIZAR bus too? Because it's my favorite
As far as I know all steeringwheels work ingame. If you have one that doesn't work, please let me know. Absolutely agree on the force feedback.@robokosice13
Not at the moment. Maybe later. -
Hamburg Station:
Strange and ugly.
They could improve this entrance and exit from the subway. -
Hey @Trucket Smiulators, we're going to release the Modding Tools shortly after Gamescom, so you'll be able to easily download and install them.
And the traffic could improve when I walk down the main street from side to side with cars
Hello, dear developers!
Something is somehow silent with a game Fernbus Simulator...I have an offer on addition of the new bus in a game - Neoplan Cityliner.
I think that it will be estimated by many players.If someone never saw such bus, then I attached photos.
Thank you that read. I hope you fill this idea in reality.
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Hey @KirillSharypov, I've allowed myself to move your post into this existing thread. The Cityliner sure is awesome - We'll see if we can bring it into our game soon.
This error occurs to me.... Plugin "TML ExtensionRuntime" failed to loade because module "TML ExtensionRuntime"could not be found. Please ensure de pligin is properly instaled, otherwisw consider disabling the plugins for this project. ?????
@Driver Dorel For specific problems, please contact our support team directly. Our staff will be pleased to help you.
hey guys, a new encrypted DLC called RS appear on Guess what it is. A new bus? Or a map expansion? Or something has never been expected.
Hello i have question. Will you add more country?
Another question I need help with this gear wath mean this D1,3 5 and DM, with R1 and Rm?
this is forward gear, neutral and reverse gear. New maps are possible from what I know are working on the map FRANCE DLC for fernbus
Wath diffrent between forward D1 and Dm ?
winner In Fernbus Coach Simulator there's no difference between D1 and DM or R1 and RM. D means driving forward and R means driving backward.
BUT: When you shift to D1, you can see the current gear during the ride. E. g. when you ride with 100 km/h, your board computer shows D11 (in LC and LCC).
winner Here is a video:
External Content youtu.beContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.I'm not sure about D1, D2 and D3 but they could be one version of manual shifting. D1 would then means that only first gear is used. D2 means that only first or second gear is used and so on. Like Don_Castor said there is no big difference between them in Fernbus.
I bought multimedia package can I put how Internet radio station and listen in game?