@SkillfulCorpse this mode is only one trip, without passengers
Yes, but to do the career mode, I need to unlock the city I want to drive too. So how do I unlock the city in freemode? Do I have to drive somewhere or do something in the phone?
We are closing this forum
In recent years, a large and active community has emerged on our Discord server. Many members are therefore no longer active in this forum and contributions from new users were not answered or only answered late. We are therefore closing this forum with immediate effect. Old posts will still be visible, but it will no longer be possible to write new posts. You can find our discord server here: https://discord.com/servers/tml-studios-224563159631921152
@SkillfulCorpse this mode is only one trip, without passengers
Yes, but to do the career mode, I need to unlock the city I want to drive too. So how do I unlock the city in freemode? Do I have to drive somewhere or do something in the phone?
@SkillfulCorpse in the menu , start the game , career
We will release a new update probably this week. It will contain several bug fixes and improvements, more info will follow up.
Good news. I think this update will be on friday
@SocialOfficer thx, very nice
We will release a new update probably this week. It will contain several bug fixes and improvements, more info will follow up.
Good,hopefully it'll fix some of the lag and load problems dues to my system requirements not exactly measuring up. I'm hoping to get a new system that meets the basic requirements within a few weeks or within the next month but until then I'm stuck playing Euro truck sim 2 or(if I'm lucky bus sim 16.
My request is to add buses Scania Touring and Mercedes-Benz Tourismo.
Images from the bus station of Berlin
Photos by Marcel w. (www.bus-bild.de)
Hello TML! Tell me, and the update will be this week ?
We're testing at the moment. If all goes well, it'll be released today, otherwise next week.
I hope today
Neues Update ))) thx TML)) downloads guys
Yeah! New update!@!@!
For repaints
Good afternoon:Hello my name is Paul , and I'm New Here , take the fernbus from the day it went on sale buy it on Steam , good has updated me several times , and the last a while ago, in the latter , and previous update, have been lost and not the sound of the wheels is heard , potholes , bumps , and other not heard , and the thing I liked most is to be used for the address, the mouse , now I control genia but I had a small problem, when you put the cruise control , playing with the mouse , all the while accelerating stays , there is no way to remove it , if the mouse button is pressed mouse control is removed, and it relocates , the button to insert and remove the cruise control does not act , otherwise quite well , some textures of cars, look bad , but minor mistakes, sorry for my English I am using a translator.Thank you very much and greetings.
all updates are fine, but most importantly , performance is terrible. better optimization please.
@Cooper's Freightmaster: Layers work, I'm personally not sure about the windows (try it out!) and yes, we will offer more file types such as TGA soon.
@Pablo + @wingo44: further bugs will be addressed in the next updates. Performance optimization is our next step nowhere including the AI.
is it ok to add/remove layers?
It's okay since it doesn't matter at the end. You have to export your repaint file to PNG or JPEG, so layers will be lost anyways.
Where is the existing repaint file kept?
Basically here: <GAME DIR>\Fernbus\Content\Vehicles\MAN_LionsCoach\Repaints\
We'll publish an english version of our guide later on with further details.